
Looking for diplomatic way to deal with insensitive teacher (kind of long)

Ok, so last Tuesday, I dislocated my thumb and am having touble doing simple things on my drawing homework and lab reports because they require both hands. I emailed my teachers the day after to explain why things might be messy and to ask for due dates so i could get help from BF on typing. Anywho, one said he's not giving a large assignment til Tuesday and it is due Thursday. BF is helping me deal with that but this teacher always thinks we should cater to his every whim. Any suggestions on what to do? In another part of that class, I have to do computer sketches and cannot work on the computers in the lab with my hand the way it is. Attendance is required for this. Would it be too much to ask if  I can sit through the directions and then come home to try to do it on my personal computer?
I would believe only in a God that knows how to dance. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
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