
Vent: honors stress to the max!

I can't sleep AT ALL and so I am venting here. Sorry in advance if I bore you!

So, I have this big honors capstone project that I am required to complete before the end of this semester, and I have been working on what is basically a thesis/research paper on Shakespeare. I have been really struggling with it, though, because my major is Teaching of English, not just English, so I feel like I'm not really that well prepared to write a full-blown English thesis. However, I had a lot of trouble in the beginning stages of the project figuring out how to work my education background in, so I just left it out.

But today, while I was working on the project, I decided to browse around on the honors college website and I read that students in programs that require an extensive final project are permitted to use said project as their capstone.

OMG! Because I totally did that! I spent countless sleepless hours doing research to put together a unit plan project, which I am very proud of, and which fulfills all the requirements of the capstone project! I sent samples of my work to my honors advisor in hopes that he loves the idea as much as I do. He has a tendency to be impossible to please, though, so I am stressing out that he will shoot the idea down. If he does, I will just be at a loss for what to do because there is NO way the thesis project is going to get done by the deadline.

Excuse me while I go hyperventilate, and thank you for listening to my excessively long rant about my project :)
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