
Help from Drowning?

So my fiance is really awesome and is trying to help me plan for school.  I've nearly got my AA and looking toward my BA.  Unfortunately my AA doesn't fullfill all of the transfer requirements for the BA program i  want to get into.  SO lovely Fiance of mine tried to help....he suggests that next semester i take 13 unites, and then 9 units the semester after that, and then get into a 4 year college the next semester. 

i kindly reminded him we have a wedding to plan by 2012 and 13 units is INSANE when i have to work full time as well! 

Anyone else having this problem?  am i just a baby?  i also wanted to get a nice 6 months after the marriage to settle into the new routine and living together and such...
11-4-10: -3 pounds

Re: Help from Drowning?

  • I'm in vaguely the same situation. I'm poised to transfer, but I don't have enough credits to get my AA. So I will be taking a 7 unit winter semester and a 16 unit spring semester.
    It's all about your boundries. I've done one 18 unit semester and it took a lot of organization and I was sure I would pull my hair out, but I came out alive. At the time I was working 25-30 hours a week. If you know you can buckle down and knock it out.. go for it.
    Otherwise, if you're unsure if you can keep your grades up.. 6 months isn't too much of a hit in the long run. I think it's better to keep a high GPA over an extra semester than try to finish everything at once.

  • I do 18 credits every semester and I really haven't had too much a of problem with it. It can get a little stressful sometimes but usually its not that big of a deal. I think what your FI is suggesting is totally do-able. You will just need to really manage your time well.

  • At least I'm not the only one *sigh*
    Since we got enagaged in June this year, this roller coaster ride kind of took off. I got accepted to a very difficult graduate school (MBA program), I got promoted at work which was great but = working 9-10 hours every week, and on top of that planning a July 2011 wedding more or less on my own. I have been going absolutely out of my mind but my stress levels did go down some after we booked the major things (venue, photographer, officiant) but it's still so difficult to juggle everything : /
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Graduation tickers
  • Time management is key. I am taking 7 classes this semester, and 7 next semester (19 credit hours) in order to graduate in May with my BS in molecular biology. On top of the heavy course load with nothing but science classes, I am a research student that I must commit tons of time to to prepare for conventions in March to present at. I am also preparing for the MCAT and application to medical school....all while planning my wedding that is May 28 without the help of a planner, finding time to spend with my family, and spending time with my fiance! If your mind is to it, you can do it. Smile
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