So my and my fiance were originally going to have a long engagement so that I could finish college. He is going to be an orthopedic surgeon and I am going to get my BSN in Nursing. We have been doing this long distance thing for 2 years now, and its terrible! I miss him like crazy!! He is being very very faithful. It just stinks being so far apart from each other. Currently I am attending a local 2 year community college and he is at a big 4 year university. I am just starting my sophomore year at this community college. Next semester I really don't have to take any classes to transfer. My question to all you knotties: would it be beneficial for me to get married this summer vs. after I am done with school? This is how I am seeing it. 1. Currently I do not qualify for financial aid because of my parents's income, but they are really not going to have any financial contribution for when I transfer. The FAFSA then would look at me and my (soon to be hubby's) tax forms and not my parents. 2. Instead of worrying about planning a wedding DURING nursing school, I would have a whole semester focused solely on planning my wedding and working. I mean ideally this seems like the perfect plan. I do not see myself with anyone else but my fiance. He is absolutely wonderful! I know my parents are not going to be too keen into this idea of getting married sooner, but I honestly think it would benefit us in the long run. I would love to hear what others have to say about this. I have prayed about it for the longest time and this idea was just brought up today.