California-Inland Empire

Another example of the b!tch

Kasi and I took a break to take a quick walk around the block and when we got back my other coworker warned me that our boss told her she wanted to fire me.  She said that I was getting my 4th write up today and that was enough to qualify me to be terminated.  First off, why would my boss discuss this with my coworker????  Second, if you are going to fire me, just do it, don't wait.The write up is for a stupid reason, as the rest of them have been.  I've asked to be retrained by my boss so that I can learn the way she wants me to do things so that I can avoid anymore write ups.  That was back in April and she has only sat with me ONCE to train me on ONE thing.  I am so irritated.

Re: Another example of the b!tch

  • edited December 2011
    She shouldn't be discussing stuff like that with anyone other than other supervisors. 

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  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    Yes she definately should not be discussing your termination and or write ups with anyone
  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    Did u remind her she didnt train you?
  • edited December 2011
    The lady is a horrible supervisor.  She has no sense and blows things out of proportion and bitches about other employees in front of us.  I have brought this up before but she still does it. 

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  • sv4338sv4338 member
    edited December 2011
    Id really go see a dr about stress leave Im not even lying u guys work in a hostile work environmentIm not saying things should always be bright and sunny but gosh she just seems to walk around harrasing and makeing your work life miserable
  • edited December 2011
    I have been practically begging her boss to take me out of this department.  He just blows off my complaints.  He doesn't do much about it.  Before he left on vacation he asked if her and I would get along while he's gone.  I stayed quiet.  LOL.  She isn't a good supervisor so I HAVE to talk back to her to get her mind right.  I used to let her walk all over me but life was really really bad here.  Once I started talking back it got better.  not great but much better than before.  If they fire Shannon I will have to cover.  The other chick goes to school and is only here 1/2 days.  I start school in September as well and will leave at 3:30 2 days a week...whos's gonna be here?  No one but her.  That won't fly.  Someone has to close the office at night.  She and I both leave at 4:30 and the office closes at 5.  Shannon is the one who closes. 

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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  • edited December 2011
    She has mentioned a few times that she knows she needs to train me more but uses the excuse that we've been really busy and she doesn't have the time.That's BS.  She has more than enough time to work with me.  I think they've been looking for a reason to let me go for awhile.
  • edited December 2011
    How do I convince my Dr. to give me a note for stress leave?
  • sdkissezsdkissez member
    edited December 2011
    Shannon, she is violating State Employment Laws (whatever you call them) by discussing your affairs and possible termination, etc.... with other employees.  She is putting power into your hands by doing this.  I would look into this matter and use it against her with your boss.  If your boss ignores such requests and information, then he is a contributing factor, and can be held liable for it.  Maybe it's about time you play hard ball back and stick it to her.  Plus, you would be doing it the "right" way.  She is in violation, not you.  Plus, if you have been asked to be "retrained" and she hasn't done anything about it, yet complains about your work, then she is also in violation as well.  I'll ask my hubby to talk to his sister, who is an attorney, and see what she has to say. =)
  • edited December 2011
    Thank you, thank you, thank you Rebecca!
  • edited December 2011
    exactly! no one should be privvy to that information! that is BS that she was talking about you with another coworker!
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