California-Inland Empire

The Duggars

are expecting #19!!!!  She's almost 3 months pregnant.,,20301647,00.html

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Re: The Duggars

  • SandraRay2008SandraRay2008 member
    edited December 2011
    I heard that!!! They are nuts! Its pretty crazy how they have 18 kids and can support all of them on their own. they obviously dont believe in birth control so they  just need to stop doing it when she is ovulating lol
  • sdkissezsdkissez member
    edited December 2011
    That is freakin' nuts!  I couldn't imagine.
  • edited December 2011
    Those kids have to be deprived of "mom time." There is no way she can pay attention to all of those kids. Its kinda sad.

  • edited December 2011
    That is so crazy. The oldest son and his wife are expecting their first baby which will be the same age as the 19th kid. So weird
  • edited December 2011
    Sometimes I think that family is alright, but when I really think about it they seem fake.  None of those kids gets any alone time with their parents.  It doesn't seem like they even think about the fact that her risk of having a Downs baby, or worse, is way high and getting higher with every pregancy.  Her uterus has to be so thin and weak by now!
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