Hi girls...My MOH is throwing me a bridal shower for ME. She asked me for a list and I gave her a small list of my close girlfriends and family members that I would like there (mom, gramma's, close aunts, cousins) and my FMIL. Now my FMIL is not happy with this and would like to add some of her friends. I told her that is not possible because I am limited to the amount of people I can have there. So...She is now throwing a larger shower the weekend before for all her friends to attend. I told her that it is not proper ettiquite to invite someone to a shower that is not invited to the wedding. She is doing what she wants. I am so embarassed. What do I do. What do I say to all these people I dont even know? This is called a bridal shower right?! Shouldnt the Bride be happy?