40-Plus Brides

Just a quick hello from the DOB/MOH

Hiya knotties! I am the Daughter of the Bride, as well as Maid of Honor for my mom's wedding. She just recently got engaged to a really awesome and fun guy, who in all actuality I, being her youngest, only daughter, and the "family spokesperson and family redhead," get along better with her fiance than I do with my own father at times! We're planning a wedding, and I urged my mom to come here because I just got married back in June 2012, but she is out on vacation right now so can't come join the Knot just yet.

Anyways. Enough of that chicken and pony show and lets cut to what I wanted to post, I'm organizing most of my mom's wedding, and she is very nervous about wedding dresses and everything because this will be her 3rd marriage, but never really had a nice wedding, and her fiances 2nd marriage. She is 55, and he is 59, and she has already looked at a few wedding dresses but has no clue what kind of dress she should go for because she's very self concious on how she will look, and has no idea as far as color schemes go. She plans on either a winter 2014 wedding or a spring 2015 wedding and the colors can vary greatly from a nice periwinkle for the winter wedding or shades of green for the may wedding. My favorite would be the spring wedding, but anyways, how should I go about trying to build my mom's confidence up for her really great big day?

Re: Just a quick hello from the DOB/MOH

  • Tell her the good news is, these days she can wear whatever she likes and feels beautiful in!  My wife and I wore full ivory bridal gowns, veils, and opera gloves for our wedding, even though I was 56 and plus sized on our wedding day and my two grown children were our attendants.  Conversely, if what she wants to wear is an evening dress or a street-length dress, that's fine, too--and it need not be white or ivory.

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