I'm 90% sure I want to book her but I'd really like to get feedback from anyone that has already used her. I thought one of you ladies used her?? Also I found her from your vendor review site but the person hadn't got their photos back yet. Thanks!
Yea, one of our brides used her but I can't remember her username. She was the one who got married at the zoo. Someone will be able to give you her name. I think there was also another bride who has a contract with her, but I'm not sure if she's had her wedding yet or not.I almost used Gwen, but we had a personality clash. I think she's a very good photographer but I personally was not happy with her. I wrote about it a while back on the boards, so I don't know if you read about the situation. You're welcome to email me if you'd like to hear the story. The other girls never had a problem with the though, so it might have been a one time thing.navybaby1113 (at) gmail (dot) com
Re: Gwendolyn Tundermann Photography