Florida-North Florida

Shower Help

I am throwing a shower for my sister, but I need some help with the invitations.  I want to throw her a Sex & the City themed bridal shower and I think it would be cute if the guests brought gifts according to characters.  For example, if someone's character was Samantha they could bring lingerie or something sexy, or if they had Charlotte they could bring china or sheets.  Do you ladies have any ideas on how I could word the invitations?  I totally lack creativity, and any help would be wonderful.  Thanks in advance!

Re: Shower Help

  • edited December 2011
    well a couple of things. Does your sister like sex& the city and are most of her friends well versed in sex and the city?I ask this because if I got an invitation to a bridal shower like this, I wouldn't know what to buy since I loathe this show and refuse to watch it. I would also be kind of weary of the idea since I don't really want someone delegating what I should buy especially since I might not be able to afford it. It's a cute idea, and good luck with it if she loves sex and the city, but be careful on how you word it and how you go about it to the guests.I'm sorry I don't have any helpful hints, but just my .02.
  • edited December 2011
    * Also- be careful of who you invite to the bridal shower, the old generations (aunts, grandmothers, and moms) may not be to fond of something like this and it might make her uncomfortable getting lingerie and sex stuff in front of them.
  • katiek200katiek200 member
    edited December 2011
    Maybe you could just have the shower be very chic and serve matinis (alcohol and "nonalcoholic") in cute glasses and have a cake themed for it. I agree I would be very confused with the gifts, even though i've watched the show.
  • brittjoy84brittjoy84 member
    edited December 2011
    Although I really like the idea, I do not think it's proper etiquette to dictate in any way what type of gift should be given. You can still incorporate it into the shower with Cosmos, have giant flowers everywhere, etc.
  • NoleBride10NoleBride10 member
    edited December 2011
    I actually love this idea, but I am about the hugest SATC fan there is. I have been to two showers where the gifts were dictated (one was an around the clock shower where your gift was meant to correlate with your time-I had midnight so I bought them their champagne glasses, etc) and they went over really well. I do think you need to make sure your sister wouldnt be embarrassed when opening Samantha gifts or that you wouldnt have family members (either your family or the grooms) that would be offended. Also, you need to make sure you have many examples of the kinds of things that the characters would buy because not everyone is well-versed in the show.
  • edited December 2011
    Just a suggestion - maybe you could let the ladies you are inviting pick which character their gift falls into? Then maybe have them divided up or something, I dunno how it goes from there...
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