Florida-North Florida

Having a friend officiate

FI and I would like to have a friend of the family marry us. However, he is not a Florida resident so he couldnt become a notary. I also just read something saying that if you are married by someone who is ordained through the Universal Life Church then there is a possibility your marriage may not be valid in Florida. So, any suggestions? Should we just hire an officiant and call it a day or do you have any ideas of what to do? TIA

Re: Having a friend officiate

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    edited December 2011
    Oh, this is a great question.  I was just on the phone with my cousin.  He is going to officiant the wedding.  But, he is not a Florida resident.  So, I was telling him that I needed to find out if he could legally sign the marriage license.  He is able to in Georgia (he is a pastor)We already have planned, just in case he can't, to go get married at the court house before the actual ceremony and then have the wedding at the end of the week.  Do you have a website to go to that has all that information.  I plan on calling tomorrow to find out more information
    A happy newlywed...now time to start a family!
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    NoleBride10NoleBride10 member
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    edited December 2011
    Well I do know that as long as your friend is ordained (you said hes a pastor) hes fine. But our friend is not so thats what I am wondering about.
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    toblave13toblave13 member
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    edited December 2011
    I'm not sure where you read that someone ordained through the Universal Life Church can't legally perform marriages in FL, but I called more than one marriage license office and was told by everyone I spoke to that it was. My uncle is marrying us and he was ordained online. If I remember correctly, there were also a few other brides who have posted on this board in the past that were married by someone ordained through the ULC. I know there are states where it's not legal (I think PA is one of them) but all of the information I've been given is that it is legal in FL.
    imageDaisypath Graduation tickers Anniversary
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    NoleBride10NoleBride10 member
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    edited December 2011
    Hm that's interesting. Maybe what I read was wrong (it is the Internet so it's definitely possible). Thanks. That definitely negates my problem.
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    toblave13toblave13 member
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    edited December 2011
    I'd definitely check into it further. I mean...I'm just over 4 months out so if it's illegal I'm in trouble, haha. Ultimately though I'd definitely go with what they tell you in the marriage license office (although I wouldn't mind seeing the link to where you read it was illegal).
    imageDaisypath Graduation tickers Anniversary
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    NoleBride10NoleBride10 member
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    edited December 2011
    It didn't say it was illegal. Simply that it it's never been confirmed as legal if that makes sense so this website said it wouldn't recommend it. I wish I could find the link again but I found it at work. But if you spoke to multiple marriage license offices that said it was then I sure it's fine. I was going to call on Thursday and find out. I'm sure it's fine if you've been told that by an actual office as oppposed to the Internet.
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    toblave13toblave13 member
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    edited December 2011
    Oh ok. That makes sense (you did say "may not be" in your post...my bad). I read that too which is why I called. One note about calling...I actually had a bad experience at one office. One woman started to lecture me on how wrong it was to have someone ordained online marry us and that my marriage wouldn't be a real wedding under God, etc, etc. I was REALLY annoyed. People are entitled to their own beliefs, but she works in an office where people are asking about legal standards...her opinions aren't relevant. I ended up asking for her manager and the manager nicely told me that it was legal...sorry for the mini rant. This just made me remember my annoyance.
    imageDaisypath Graduation tickers Anniversary
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    NoleBride10NoleBride10 member
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    edited December 2011
    Ugh that's awful! I would be so mad! People need to learn to keep their opinions to themselves sometimes. Particularly when they work for a legal office! Thanks for all your help. I was kind of freaking out!
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    edited December 2011
    Agreed with Luckyinlove. My mom got ordained through the Universal Life Church and when we went to pick up our marriage license I asked if there was any further certification my mom needed to have done, and they said the only requirement is that she is in good standing with her church and they don't require any documentation on it. 
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    alicianova77alicianova77 member
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    edited December 2011
    We want to have our friend officiate as well, and he is a Florida resident. Does anybody know how he can become a notary and about how long it will take? (we have less than 6 months to go, this was supposed to be FI's job but he has never done it) Thanks!
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