
Fruit and Cheese Topiary

I went to a wedding a few years ago that had this beautiful fruit and cheese topiary for cocktail hour. It was like a work of art made of hollowed out melons filled with fruit, cheese and crackers. However, I havent been able to find anywhere to get something like this in AZ. The bride at that wedding is being very tight lipped about where she got it and I dont think she is gonna tell me and help me out.. If anyone knows of any place I can get something like this please let me know.


Re: Fruit and Cheese Topiary

  • edited December 2011
    I don't have a clue but that's just weird that she won't share where she got it with you.
  • edited December 2011
    Yea, that's pretty rude she won't tell you. On some wedding websites you can ask vendors weddingbee and weddingwire..why not give that a try?  Good luck!
    79 Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I know the fact that she is refusing to tell me is completely rude. I may have a lead hopefully it works out. In the mean time I will be trying out weddingwire and weddingbee.

  • edited December 2011
    Whenever I host get togethers, I usually make a fruit and cheese stations with things such as hallowed out watermelon with fruit in it, etc. You can even make them look like a baby stroller, it's actually pretty easy. I'm sure if you find vendors that do fruit and cheese stations, you can ask them personally if they customize them. I'm sure for a small fee, they would- and I'm sure most of them know how to!
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