
questions about name changing

Who is familiar with the name changing laws and process here in AZ? I'm looking into all the paperwork and requirements for stuff like SS cards, passports, MVD/driver's license stuff, but I think most of them need an official copy of your marriage license not the pretty "keepsake" one. The people at the county recorders office said it could take 3-6 weeks to get the official copy. It doesn't make sense to me that I'll still have to wait that long before I can legally change my name. Has this always been the case and I've never realized it? I mean, I thought I could at least change my bank account name but they usually use your driver's license, which I won't be able to change until I get the official copy.

Who's gone through the name changing process already and can "enlighten" me?
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Re: questions about name changing

  • guamibearguamibear member
    edited December 2011
    I was wondering the same thing. Thank you for this post!
  • alschmidalschmid member
    edited December 2011

    I think it only took a little over 2 weeks for our certified copy to come, but yes - you will need it.  You need to go to the social security office first, then MVD - and then you can change things at banks, etc...
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  • sboobear03sboobear03 member
    edited December 2011
    You have to frist change your name with SS (no charge). All they need is the pretty copy that you sign at the your wedding. Then 48 hours later you can change your name with MVD. They need the pretty copy, the letter SS gives you, and your current license. MVD charges you $4 for a new license. (keep your old license, as it makes things easier) Then when I changed it at my bank, they only needed the pretty copy, and both my old and new drivers license. I dont have a passport so I cant help you there. Car and prperty insurance, I just called them and informed them of the change.

    The only thing I have needed the certified copy for was to get added onto DH's health insurance.
    When you get your marriage license they give you a packet. There is a number in there to call to see if your marriage license has been recorded. Mine was recorded within a week. I then went down and paid $26.50 for a copy of it. All it is is a copy of the bottom half of your license with the county seal.

    EDIT: We didnt pay for the certified copy when we got our license. We choose to go down and get it when it was recorded. 
  • edited December 2011
    Ooo... Thanks for the info!! I was worried it was going to take forever for all that stuff. :)
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  • edited December 2011
    That's great info. I'd love to know about the passports. My fiance and I are headed out of the country about 3 mos after the wedding and wonder how much and how long it takes to get that changed.
  • sboobear03sboobear03 member
    edited December 2011

    About the passport....My sister got married in March. She and her DH went to Europe for their honeymoon in June. She did not change her name until she got back because the passport wouldnt have gotten back to her by then. Atleast that is what she told me.

  • sboobear03sboobear03 member
    edited December 2011
    Oh, and there are only like 2 SS offices you can change your name at. The one in Scottsdale, off of Tatum and Bell, and the one downtown.
  • jemmini6jemmini6 member
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    edited December 2011
    I'm not sure about how long passports take to change.  I don't have one currently at all and I'm waiting until the new year to apply for one in my maiden name because you get 1 year after marriage to change your name free of charge on your passport, otherwise you basically have to pay to re-apply for one all over again.  (at least this is how I understood it from their website).  Regardless, if you are traveling out of the country, make sure that your name on your ticket matches the name on your passport.
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks! That is some great information! My fiance and I just ordered our passports about a month ago. So I guess I will wait until we get back to change my name. Thank you so much! I had no idea that they gave you a year after the wedding to change it! I'll be doing that as soon as we return! :-)
  • sld0618sld0618 member
    edited December 2011
    I'm just jumping in here...but couldn't you still change your name after the wedding but keep the plane ticket under the same name as your passport?  All they check is if your passport matches your plane ticket info.
  • edited December 2011
    They also check your driver's license. Everything must match.
  • edited December 2011
    I can help with the passport questions as I just submitted my application for a passport name change!

    I found the application online, printed it, and mailed everything in the the national passport office in Philly. Here's the site:

    Along with the application I also had to send: my certified marriage license, old passport with maiden name, passport fee, and two color photos. Be sure you change your name on everything else needed with your certified marriage license b/c you won't get it back when you send it with your passport application. You can, however, order additional copies if needed (at $26.50 a pop). The fee was $110, which was cheaper than applying for a brand new passport ($140) and it'll be valid for an additional 10 years b/c is was automatically renewed.

    The man at the post office said it takes approx 4 weeks to receive your new passport. We're going to Europe in mid to late March and he said I have plenty of time as I just mailed everything last week.

    I got new passport photos at Costco for $4.99. Walgreens charges $8.99. Go to Costco if you can :-)

    You'll have to navigate the website a little to determine which application to use, but it was simple. I prefer doing everything myself as opposed to waiting at an office for an hour only to get a grumpy customer service rep when I reach the front of the line.

    Hope this helps!

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