
Another new format problem/question

I've noticed the response box is (almost always) very narrow (like 2 characters wide) and long, and does not appear as it should. It won't let me type in there, so I can't actually respond to threads. 
I thought it was just a glitch when the system came out, but it's still like this. Sometimes it appears as normal, but mostly it's just messed up. It's also like this on my other computer. 

Does anyone else have this problem? (Hopefully you can respond)
Maybe it's a mac issue? 
Is there anywhere where I can/should report it?

Re: Another new format problem/question

  • edited December 2011
    I was just about to suggest perhaps you're not using Internet Explorer and that's the reason and then I noticed that you mentioned you were on a mac. I bet it's because it's Safari, I don't have this issue on IE or Firefox. Maybe you could download Firefox for your mac and see if it will help?
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  • edited December 2011

    I've never had that issue....yet.  So maybe it's because you're on a MAC so it's different.  Not sure.....sorry I can't help more.  But just thought I'd let you know that it has not happened on my computer. 

  • raeynraeyn member
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I have a mac and I use Safari as well. I do have this problem sometimes, but it is almost always fixed by refreshing the window (sometimes more than once). I guess it just doesn't always finish loading properly.
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  • edited December 2011
    Thanks! I actually did try Firefox before I posted this, but for some reason the most recent posts (including this one) aren't appearing when I load in the firefox browser. I'll definitely play with the refresh next time it acts up.
  • edited December 2011
    You could try emailing

    I'm having problems with my original sn (jess&lane52804) and some of us have been emailing about this issue. I always receive a quick response.
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