

Is anyone else having major issues with allergies?  I've been a mess this past week.  My nose is as red as can be.  I've gone through I don't know how many boxes of tissues.  I go from running nose, to stuffy nose and can't breathe to sneezing and to eyes watering so bad I can't keep them open.  And then an hour or so later, I'm 100% fine!  I've been taking Alavert because in the past that is the only medicine that's helped me, but it doesn't seem to be working this time around.

Anyone else as miserable as me???? Cry

Re: NWR--Allergies

  • ladybug7485ladybug7485 member
    edited December 2011
    Meeee Too! I'm hoping this clears up quick because I have lots of planning to do and all I feel like doing when I get home from work is sleeping! Whenever I take allergy medication I feel like the relief is so short lived. I've just been trying to double up on my supplements and vitamins!
  • edited December 2011
    Me too me too!! I dont normally have allergies, and when I do its not very bad... but this year has been HORRIBLE for me!!!  I got real bad before we went on vacation in April, and when we left on our cruise and we were in the middle of the ocean, I cleared right up because there was no allergens in sight!!  Its been the worst allergy season ever :(
  • u_rica77u_rica77 member
    edited December 2011
    Yes definitely- I've woken up completely congested or sneezing for the last 3 days. I don't know if you have ever used the neti pot before, but if not it might be worth checking out. It's a saline rinse that you use to keep your nasal passages clear so that the bacteria doesn't build up and end up causing a sinus infection. Using it is kind of gross but it helps with allergies a lot- I do it all the time in the spring.
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  • lawhitedlawhited member
    edited December 2011
    Ugh - I am right there with you.  Mine just started on Tuesday when I woke up with a sore throat (and have been miserable ever since with sinus pressure and a feel-like-I'm-gonna-sneeze feeling).  Just hoping it goes away soon -- definitely makes me just want to stay in bed when I need to be doing so many other things.

    Hope everyone feels better soon!!!
  • aimers1525aimers1525 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I don't have allergies, that I know of, and I've been awfully stuffed up and gone through tons of kleenex in the past week! Even Claritin hasn't helped!
  • edited December 2011
    I have had the worst Year that I can remember. It is been really bad for the last week or two. I am just thankful that it has not triggered an Asthma attack, at least not yet?!
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