
STD Etiquette question

(x-post on the DW board) So, I am aware that when you send someone a STD, you have to later send them an invite. I won't do STD's for a few more months because I don't want to have the guest list argument yet. But I'm wondering - is it a horrible breach of etiquette to send STD's to a smaller group of people than you plan on sending invitations? Has anyone else done/considered this, and if so how did it turn out? I intend to send STD's to people who I know will talk (i.e. friend groups) and won't leave someone in the friend group out only to send them an invitation later - obviously that could be hurtful. But a lot of ppl currently on our guest list are old family friends and extended family that I doubt will come, but I'd still like to invite because I think they'd like to be invited (and of course we'd invite them if the wedding were local). I don't see a point to sending these folks STD's (and frankly, we don't have money for this many ppl at the wedding, so I don't really want *all* of them to actually STD...). FWIW, we are undecided on an AHR, and at most will do a super casual BBQ - nothing fancy. WDYT? Is this an acceptable workaround to the guest list/limited budget issue, or something I should forget about?

Re: STD Etiquette question

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    edited December 2011
    For what it's worth, I think it's perfectly acceptable to send STDs to a select group of people. STDs are optional, so guests won't necessarily be expecting them. I agree that once you send a STD, you have to send an invite. But I don't think it works in reverse. Our parents added a couple of names after we had ordered and sent out the STDs. I didn't want to pay a crazy amount to print out a small number, so the extra guests will only be getting an invite.You might want to be prepared for someone to be offended if they find out you're sending STDs and they don't get one. That's the only drawback.
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    ginajadeginajade member
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    edited December 2011
    We only sent STDs to out of town guests and local immediate family - everyone else from HI didn't get one because it all depended on how many OOT people actually made it.For all OOT guests, we did send STDs though even if we were 90% sure they weren't going to come... So ya, I think it's totally fine to not send them to everyone...The only think I would say to your situation, is to just send your actual invites out a little earlier... I think maybe some one could be - uh....wtf you obv didn't want me to come... if they get an invitation to come to Hawaii a month before the big day.  But if you technically give the person like 2 months, I think that is totally acceptable.
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    edited December 2011
    Good point, Regina! I better remember to send those out early. :)
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