
The dress (PIP)

So.....the dress is bought. I should be happy, relieved and ecstatic right??? Wrong. I'm stressed, undecided and not-so-happy. :( I figured this would happen. It's hard when your dream dress looks great on the model and icky on you. Just had to vent. I hope every is having a great Tuesday. 

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Re: The dress (PIP)

  • AKWinterBrideAKWinterBride member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    You look beautiful and I love your dress!  The lace straps are fab!! 

    As an 'old married', I will tell you this: your wedding dress is just that - a dress.  So many girls come on here expecting the tears of joy and some magical feeling but in reality, it's just a really pretty dress that you get to wear for a few hours.  A piece of clothing.  The important part of your wedding is that you are joining your life with the man that you love.  Yes, it would be nice to be 6 feet tall, super thin, with huge boobs like a VS model - but that's not reality.  No one is perfect, and although it's hard not to be tough on ourselves, you have to cut yourself a break!  You look gorgeous, and your husband is going to die when he sees you in your wedding dress!  Cause he is marrying you after all, not a dress, and I'm quite certain you could show up in a plastic bag and he would still be jazzed to be marrying you!!

    I love your dress myself, and I think you look amazing!
    Photobucket Photobucket Anniversary
  • angelia12angelia12 member
    edited December 2011
    Oh, the dress is very beautiful on you! I felt similarly about my dress. But the truth is, the lighting in many stores is just terrible! I have a couple pics of me in my dress at the store when I bought it and I don't even like to look at them because the flourescent light does it no justice. Also, keep in mind your hair and makeup will be done and that will make a huge difference in how you feel in it too.
    So don't fret, be confident and work that dress!
  • edited December 2011
    Ditto (tritto?) what AK and Angelia said! Don't be too hard on yourself. Seriously, I think it looks lovely. Have you had alterations done to it yet? I had a similar reaction as you when I first got my dress, but post alterations I was thrilled with the results.
  • FSForeverFSForever member
    edited December 2011
    Your dress is beautiful on you.  Like AK, I feel that a dress is just a dress but I know other brides look at it differently.  My daughter and I bought our dresses on the same day at different stores.  She had the teary/weepy moment, but that is who she is and always has been.  I , on the other hand really could care less.  The dress I bought was completely different than what I had thought I would look good in.  If you are really unhappy you may want to keep looking.  I am not saying you look bad because you do look beautiful in it but if you are a bride that this is important for you then you need to be happy with your decision.
  • jtolyjtoly member
    edited December 2011
    I really like your dress, I think it looks great. I didn't think mine looked as good on me as it did on the model either, but it was my dream dress....just like this one is yours!
    ~jenn~ Photobucket Anniversary
  • misslisaleomisslisaleo member
    edited December 2011

    So after having such a mixed bag of emotions yesterday I wanted to thank all of you for your supportive and kind posts today. I know everything will work out and that the most important thing is that I'm marrying the man of my dreams. I just wanted to knock his socks off with how gorgeous I'd look in the perfect dress. Maybe I'll feel prettier when the day actually gets here. But mahalo nui loa for all of your posts. I appreciate them so much.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I'm late to this thread, but I would strongly encourage you to give yourself a mock "dress up" day.  Do your hair, do your makeup, get your veil (if you are wearing one), and put it all together with the dress.  For so many of us, we're underwhelmed with an untailored gown in a bridal salon but once we get the elements together and see the full picture, it feels totally different.  If you do those things and still feel like this dress doesn't make you feel the way you want to, it's worth considering a new plan.  However, nothing about your dress looks icky and I think you look wonderful in it!
  • AKWinterBrideAKWinterBride member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    PS - I totally agree with Tanq.  I didn't love my dress until I picked it up fully altered.  Until it really fit me, I was totally unsure of my dress.  Once I saw it fitted to me, there was no other dress I would have wanted to wear - it was MINE. 
    Photobucket Photobucket Anniversary
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