
Bridal shower in Auburn?

I'm throwing a bridal shower in Auburn next month... it's really just a get-together for the bridesmaids and maybe some of the bride's college friends. I'm not from the area, and I have no idea where to start! Any ideas for a venue that would be inexpesive and maybe give us something to do? (So not a banquet hall or anything, but perhaps a spa, one of those paint and drink places...) What would you want to do with your girlfriends to celebrate getting married? 

Re: Bridal shower in Auburn?

  • edited December 2011
    There are two Sips and Storkes. One in Auburn, and one downtown Opelika. Check those out. The one in Opelika is near a neat bread pub called the Irish Bread Pub incase the party spills over into later that night. For manicures check out Pretty Please in downtown Auburn. They may accommodate you if it's before the students return. They serve wine during the visit. If I think of anything else, I'll post again.
  • The Sips N Strokes in Opelika actually does painting nights at the Irish Bred Pub once a week.  Also, I think there is a beading studio (where you can make your own necklaces, etc.) in Auburn that will host private parties and the price point is pretty affordable.  I think it's called Perch?  I haven't been, but have heard great things about it-- if your girls are crafty.  Good luck! :)
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