Finished the direction/accomodation insert (did it ourselves in publisher; everything fit on a quarter of a page), put postage on response cards, assembled the invites, addressed the inner envelope, outer envelope, and they are all stacked and waiting to be taken to the post office. They only took a few hours; my mom and I addressed half each, and FI (who has terrible handwriting and isn't allowed to address anything, ever) put the waiting inserts into the inner envelope, and the inner envelope into the outer envelope.
The only thing we didn't do is put postage on them, but my mom has a mail weight machine in her office so she is going to take one there and weigh it, and then go and buy exact postage (it's just too expensive to mail things, and we are trying to save every penny).
We also ordered the flower girl's pomander ball, and my shoes are on their way (I went with the Crocs Malindi in white)!
So, now, if anyone has the invite code, could you PM me it, please? that would be wonderful!
So glad they are done and off my chest! I really thought they were going to be a bear to address, but it ended up being not bad at all!