Planning a wedding is fun but can also be so stressful! I seriously had no idea that we were even out of triple digits and I realized today that we have less than three months left. So. Much. Stuff. To. Do.
On top of that, FH is student teaching right now and absolutely hates it. He is not even sure he wants to be a teacher anymore and now has no idea what to do with his life. He has always been an anxious person, but he has recently started having panic attacks to the point where he can hardly even function (racing heart, sense of dread, major sweating, etc.) I am trying to handle all of the wedding "glitches" (MIA dj, for example) without involving him so he has less to worry about, but I don't know what else I can do to help lower his stress level.
I really don't know how FH is going to cope with student teaching and the wedding at this point. How do you guys handle stress and anxiety? Has anyone used any natural supplements like seredyn to help even out your mood?