Missouri-Kansas City

Anyone tried "Forget Me Not Flowers"

I have gone to at least 5 different florists to get quotes. I'm having rather large arrangements so I want someone skilled but not too expensive who will work with my budget.
I have a coupon that offers 10% off (from bridal spectacular). Does anyone think that having another consultation is worth it with them?
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Re: Anyone tried "Forget Me Not Flowers"

  • teamdynamiteteamdynamite member
    edited December 2011
    We met with three florists. HyVee on Englewood, Steve's Floral Shop (downtown KC,MO) and Russ with Changing Seasons in Independence. Russ is our final decision :) He was recommended by our venue and cuts deals for brides that use The Elms. Did your venue offer any recs? Maybe someone they've even hired to come spruce the place up for holidays? That's how I first discovered Russ' amazing work! HTH
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