We're in NOLA checking out rehersal dinner sites, and we stopped in at Oceana. I asked our waiter if I could talk to the manager about having a private party. The waiter came back and said the manager was swamped; they were going to be filming Kitchen Nightmares at Oceana on 1/23, but to call him in a week or so. I'd never heard of Kitchen Nightmares before, so I looked it up when I got home. The show's website said...
World-renowned chef Gordon Ramsay is back for a third course of the ultimate restaurant revival show where he steps out of his own five-star establishments and travels the country visiting some of the most unsanitary and unsuccessful restaurants in America. For many, Ramsay is their last chance to help turn around their businesses or else they'll be forced to close their doors forever
AHHH! There have been lots of good reviews for Oceana on this board, and I thought the food was good, and there was a good crowd there. But I don't think I better book a party there right now!