Louisiana-New Orleans

XP Not Inviting Coworkers

We paid for 150 guests but our venue can hold up to 300. Our guest list right now is exactly 150 people deep. We haven't sent out our invitations yet. FI and I decided that in order to stay within our 150 guest limit we would not invite coworkers. I was so relieved when we finalized our guest list, but now I'm regretting not inviting my coworkers. I've worked with these ladies for the past 5 years and I talk to several of them outside of work. I feel even worse because I've talked with them about my wedding on several occasions. I never told them they would be invited, but they know that the wedding's coming up and they ask me about it often. What to do? If I invite them it will be about 14 extra people and my venue charges 30 per person over our guest limit. I don't want to hurt their feelings by not inviting them, but I don't want to pay an extra 500.

Re: XP Not Inviting Coworkers

  • I totally understand where you are coming from. I would just explain that you would love to invite them to the wedding but that you can't because of money and the amount of room availalble. They should be understanding and you are showing that you are thinking of them.
  • I am debating the same thing. Keep in mind that although you may invite 150 people, they don't all show up. You may have some "cushion" room for a few extras.  I've heard to expect 80 % of the guest list you actually invite.

  • If it's only 14 people, I say invite them! You have to figure there will be a couple of the 150 that won't come or maybe will come without a guest or significant other which may total 14 people. If not it will probably be close!
  • Hi!  I agree with inviting them.  You only account for 75-80% of the people that you invite showing up. Plus, not all of the people you invite from work will attend (they may not be able to do so).  One more added bonus to think about...not everyone comes in the beginning of a wedding. Reception venues only count during that initial hour (maximum...sometimes, they ditch counting after the first 30 minutes and some don't count at all).  So, chances of you going over your guest count are slim.  Chances of the venue ever imagining that you go over (especially  if it is by such a small amount of guests) are pretty much none.  Invite your friends and enjoy your wedding.  Have fun!
  • nmccrarynmccrary member
    edited February 2013
    i'm NOT inviting my co-workers because we're traveling out of state, from AL to NOLA, but i'm thinking about having a small party for co-workers just so they don't feel left out...maybe a reception a few days after the wedding?
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