Louisiana-New Orleans

real touch flowers?

hey everyone.  so i've been really frustrated with florists and am considering buying all silk flowers.  does anyone have a good vendor?  recommendations?  i've been looking into "real touch" flowers, but i haven't actually seen any in person.


Re: real touch flowers?

  • edited December 2011
    Have you checked online? There are a few online companies that do beautiful arrangements like Shavon's or Wedideas. I do believe they are realtouch, which can save you a ton of money if you like expensive flowers like orchids and peonies, but don't have an orchids or peonies budget. Silk flowers are quite popular now since they quality has drastically changed. No one will ever know that they are silk. Let me know what you find or end up doing. I am interested in doing real touch flowers, but haven't really decided. 
  • edited December 2011
    What is it that's frustrating you about the florists?  Is it the vendors themselves, or the concept of fresh flowers that is frustrating?

    If you just don't want to deal with fresh flowers at all - for silk flowers, I would also suggest looking online, they have a number of eco-friendly vendors who will do silk flowers. 

    Or maybe, someone who decorates Mardi Gras floats like maybe you can buy silk flowers wholesale....?

    If you are getting frustrated with particular vendors, feel free to ask the board for recommendations!!
  • edited December 2011
    Check out Hobby Lobby. They may have a location by you and they sell excellent quality real touch flowers. You can expect to spend 5-10 bucks a stem but they have them half price about once or twice a month.
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