
Fun Poll!

Since it has been sooooo slow lately, maybe it's random poll time?1- Best book you have read in the past 6 months?2- TV show you are most looking forward to coming back this fall?3- Speaking of fall, excited or sad that summer is over?4- Favorite fall activity?5- And to throw in a wedding related question, if you had an extra $5K for your wedding, what would you spend it on?Maybe this will liven things up a little :-)

Re: Fun Poll!

  • MereFM99MereFM99 member
    edited December 2011
    1- Best book you have read in the past 6 months?  Twilight, I've read 3/4 books, I'm obsessed.  So far #1 is my favorite.2- TV show you are most looking forward to coming back this fall?  Curb Your Enthusiasm!!!  That show cracks me up, it's been off for too long.3- Speaking of fall, excited or sad that summer is over?  Mostly sad, I love summer and hate cold weather, but I do enjoy fall- this year especially with the wedding coming up.  I just don't enjoy what comes next!4- Favorite fall activity?  Going to Weber's Farm to buy pumpkins, apple cider and apple cider doughnuts, those are good.5- And to throw in a wedding related question, if you had an extra $5K for your wedding, what would you spend it on?  Another 1K toward flowers, more to the photography budget so that I could afford a really high-end photog, and the rest toward the honeymoon!
  • edited December 2011
    1- Best book you have read in the past 6 months? I havent actually read a whole book in the last 6 months. Life has been crazy busy and not just wedding stuff2- TV show you are most looking forward to coming back this fall? Well my favorite show just ended- the closer. For the fall- I guess the practice?3- Speaking of fall, excited or sad that summer is over? EXCITED!!! my wedding is in the fall!4- Favorite fall activity? Apple picking at larriland farms :)5- And to throw in a wedding related question, if you had an extra $5K for your wedding, what would you spend it on? Transportation for all the guests and a band
  • edited December 2011
    1. Best book I've read in the past 6 months: Well, since I've been in nursing school since August of '08 (it's a grad program and pretty much year-round) I really have not had time to read books for pleasure... but I'm really looking forward to doing that after graduation (Dec. 10th, woohoo!). On my 4 week break this summer I read "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" which was pretty good! I also enjoy reading wedding mags and People if I don't feel like schoolwork or TK- they're pretty entertaining and not very time-consuming. 2. TV show I'm most looking forward to coming back this fall: GREY's of course and Private Practice! They both ended the seasons with killer cliff-hangers! Sept 24th, baby! I'm not sure which one I'm more excited about. My new fave show, though is Master's of Reception on TLC. 3. Am I excited about fall or sad summer's over: SO EXCITED! While yes, I love summer and the beach and everything, there is something about fall that I love more. Crisp and cool weather, grey skies in early evenings of late October/November and the smell of smoke in the fireplace... and let's not forget the weeks leading into T-giving/the Christmas season. Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday, mainly because it kicks off the Christmas season and I am a Christmas season idiot. Christmas music is my favorite type of music. 4. Favorite fall activity: Don't really have one in particular. But I do love that football begins in the fall! And this fall we'll be getting our engagement pics done, so that will be fun! I'd really really wanted to do them in the summer wearing a summer dress/him in preppy shorts (I'm a Lilly Pulitzer girl all the way unfortunately), but because we have had so much trouble picking a date we haven't even looked at photogs seriously yet :( boo. 5. What would we do with an extra $5K for the wedding: Either upgrade the food, most likely get a videographer, or get a different band- I was dreaming of using my grandfather's friend's band, Hero, but they just aren't in our price range unfortunately).
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  • 2have2hold2have2hold member
    edited December 2011
    1- Best book you have read in the past 6 months?* More like the ONLY book I've read...The Bone Garden by Tess Gerritsen2- TV show you are most looking forward to coming back this fall?* So you think you can dance3- Speaking of fall, excited or sad that summer is over?* I'm soooo sad summer is over, it definitely wasn't long enough! :(4- Favorite fall activity?* Um, no idea. One thing I'm definitely looking foward to is simply being married and having our lives back to "normal"5- And to throw in a wedding related question, if you had an extra $5K for your wedding, what would you spend it on?* I'll invite more friends to the wedding and the rest I'll put towards a nice honeymoon.
  • KCnBTKCnBT member
    edited December 2011
    1- Best book you have read in the past 6 months?My Sister's Keeper- definately sad ending but amazing book, very moving story.2- TV show you are most looking forward to coming back this fall?Grey's.. its really the only TV show I watch in the fall3- Speaking of fall, excited or sad that summer is over?excited! I love the change of seasons and changing of colors, my wedding, honeymoon and all else that falls brings! Can't wait :o)4- Favorite fall activity?apple picking, pumpkin carving, apple cider donuts5- And to throw in a wedding related question, if you had an extra $5K for your wedding, what would you spend it on?Definately an expanded honeymoon, photobooth and a videographer.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm bored - I'll chime in!1- Best book you have read in the past 6 months?  I've read 153 books since January 1st... I'm not sure I can pick a "best".  Animal, Vegetable, Mineral by Barbara Kingsolver had the biggest impact, I've loved all of the Sookie Stackhouse and Stephanie Plum books (both new-to-me-series this year).  The first in the new Wedding Quartet series by Nora Roberts was awesome (Vision in White).  I got completely caught up on all of the Outlander books by Diana Gabaldon and they are absolutely phenomenal.2- TV show you are most looking forward to coming back this fall?  Dexter, Big Bang Theory, SYTYCD, Heroes3- Speaking of fall, excited or sad that summer is over?  Thrilled.  I loathe being hot.4- Favorite fall activity?  Driving with the windows down, sunroof open and music blaring.  It makes me feel 18 again.  And last year was the first year we took Mia to a pumpkin farm - I can't wait to do that again now that she's a little older.  She'll love it.5- And to throw in a wedding related question, if you had an extra $5K for your wedding, what would you spend it on?  I would have put some toward a better photographer and the rest toward an immediate honeymoon.  We took a trip to Ireland and Scotland 5 months after our wedding with my Mom and cousin and while it was a blast, it wasn't exactly a romantic newlyweds kind of trip. 
  • edited December 2011
    1- Best book you have read in the past 6 months?I am currently reading My Sisters Keeper so far so good.2- TV show you are most looking forward to coming back this fall?  Greys, and Bones3- Speaking of fall, excited or sad that summer is over?I love the fall always have, my birthday, the holidays and now our wedding!!  4- Favorite fall activity?  Going to the pumpkin farm with FI, we always do the corn maze and then pick our pumpkins to carve.5- And to throw in a wedding related question, if you had an extra $5K for your wedding, what would you spend it on?  I think all the little things that I keep putting aside, extra details, maybe a photo booth. 
  • edited December 2011
    1- Best book you have read in the past 6 months?The Mysterious Benedict Society and it's sequel. It's a series of children's books that are witty and wonderful. 2- TV show you are most looking forward to coming back this fall?30 Rock, although we never watched the last four episodes of last season!3- Speaking of fall, excited or sad that summer is over?I'm excited. Summer isn't my favorite season. I like it only for the longer days and open toed shoes. 4- Favorite fall activity?Going for long walks, or hitting the museums in DC now that the bulk of the tourists are gone. 5- And to throw in a wedding related question, if you had an extra $5K for your wedding, what would you spend it on?In all honesty? Nothing. I'd use it for a down payment on a house. I'd maybe use $1k of it to upgrade our honeymoon, though.
  • edited December 2011
    1- Best book you have read in the past 6 months?Um...I think the only *new* book I've read in 6 months was The Time Traveler's Wife, so I'll have to go with that one.2- TV show you are most looking forward to coming back this fall? House, Bones3- Speaking of fall, excited or sad that summer is over? Excited!! I LOVE Fall!! Hence why we chose October for our wedding :)4- Favorite fall activity?I like going to Larriland and RenFest, but mostly I just like enjoying the crisp weather and the yummy foods.5- And to throw in a wedding related question, if you had an extra $5K for your wedding, what would you spend it on? I'd add some to the photo budget and hire a different photog. And I'd add some to the floral budget and hire a different florist.

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  • edited December 2011
    1- Best book you have read in the past 6 months?Not a huge reader - I'm in the middle of "Pretty in Plaid", love it.2- TV show you are most looking forward to coming back this fall?The Office, HIMYM, Big Bang Theory, Football3- Speaking of fall, excited or sad that summer is over?SO excited.  I'm over the heat/humidity and I just love everything fall - except that it leads to winter4- Favorite fall activity?Apple/pumpkin picking, pumpkin lattes (not really an activity), football5- And to throw in a wedding related question, if you had an extra $5K for your wedding, what would you spend it on?Split it - honeymoon, photo booth, flowers
  • edited December 2011
    1- Best book you have read in the past 6 months? I only have time for required reading and I would not say that Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing is the best book. 2- TV show you are most looking forward to coming back this fall?Dexter3- Speaking of fall, excited or sad that summer is over? Im sad that summer is over :( 4- Favorite fall activity? I never have free time in the fall. I am looking forward to spring. 5- And to throw in a wedding related question, if you had an extra $5K for your wedding, what would you spend it on? Guest transportation/ hotel. I have family that will not be able to make it and I would love to be able to pay for them to attend the wedding.
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  • behweebehwee member
    edited December 2011
    I love polls.  :)1- Best book you have read in the past 6 months? - probably Deluxe:  How Luxury Lost Its Luster by Dana Thomas.2- TV show you are most looking forward to coming back this fall? - It's already on - I love Project Runway!!3- Speaking of fall, excited or sad that summer is over? - a little sad because I hate how there's so much less daylight, but I'm excited to break out my fall clothes.  :)4- Favorite fall activity? - I don't have any real activities per se, but I do love Starbucks pumpkin lattes and seeing the leaves change.  5- And to throw in a wedding related question, if you had an extra $5K for your wedding, what would you spend it on? - I'd put most towards the honeymoon, but I'd also be selfish and spend a bit on fancy skin treatments and hire a personal trainer.  :P
  • dclokeydclokey member
    edited December 2011
    1- Best book you have read in the past 6 months?I just read the Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum books 1-4. I liked them all. 2- TV show you are most looking forward to coming back this fall? Greys Anatony3- Speaking of fall, excited or sad that summer is over? I am excited! Wedding day is in the Fall. I also cant wait for the fall smells, yummy candles and leaves falling. YAY!4- Favorite fall activity? Pumpkin patch with my son. I also enjoy making yummy food as the weather gets colder.5- And to throw in a wedding related question, if you had an extra $5K for your wedding, what would you spend it on? I will get a videographer, spoil my maids and moms a little with a spa day, invest more in the honeymoon and make the reception longer.
  • edited December 2011
    1- Best book you have read in the past 6 months? David Copperfield, I'm really into reading the classics lately. 2- TV show you are most looking forward to coming back this fall? I'm not sure when this comes back, but my guilty pleasure is definitely Big Love. 3- Speaking of fall, excited or sad that summer is over? Alittle sad but mostly happy. I live in western md and nothing beats the view of the fall leaves changing over the mountains! 4- Favorite fall activity? picking pumpkins from the patch, just being outside!! 5- And to throw in a wedding related question, if you had an extra $5K for your wedding, what would you spend it on? Definitely a longer honeymoon and more guests at the wedding!
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  • MereFM99MereFM99 member
    edited December 2011
    I love Big Love! Pretty much all HBO shows, I just wish they wouldn't put so much space between seasons.
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