My MOH, bless her heart, is throwing me a surprise shower!! I am so excited, because I never expected anything like this from my MOH. She's busy in grad school, has an internship, a job, is in a professional dance company, and ontop of that is balancing spending time with the first serious boyfriend she's had in a while.... she's a busy lady!
Apparently she forgot to write 'surprise' on the invite... I was at my Aunt Cindy's house and saw my shower invite for the non-surprise shower my aunts are throwing me- it's so cute! And she said, 'Don't you love it? Do you want to see Marie's invite?' And I said 'Marie's invite to what?' And she immediately freaked out she spilled it. Most people who were invited must know it's a surprise though because no one else has breathed a word to me of it... I know my BMs have gotten invited because I've been over to all of their houses and seen the front of the invitation on everyone's fridges and counters, etc.
I have never seen the inside of this invite (though the front is very pretty) so I don't know when, where, etc... only know that I'm having [another] one! I'm kinda nervous! Kudos to my MOH because my May work schedule is nuts. I'm only off one weekend in May and that's the weekend of the 21/22 of May... my bachelorette party is the 21st and my non-surprise shower is the 22nd. So she must have called my nurse manager to finnagle or work around my work schedule in order to surprise me because my aunt told me "everything is taken care of"