Hi ladies,
My fiance and I were orginally planning a destination wedding in Mexico and then a medium sized reception here for family/friends when we came back. Unfortunately my fiance has been very sick for over a year and we're realizing that this probably won't happen. We've scrapped our plans for an over the top wedding/reception and have decided that what we really want to do is get married with just our closest family and a few friends in a very small/intimate wedding and have a short reception afterwards (preferrably in the same place). I'm getting tons of ideas from friends, but they don't seem to be getting my vision. Because of him being sick, we really can't plan a long wedding/reception as there is no telling if he'll have a good day or a bad day. What I don't want:
Courthouse wedding or a church wedding
What I do want:
Small (less than 50 people), option to have both ceremy/reception in one place, pretty, and hopefully affordable as he is on medical leave from work with no income coming in. One income (with two kids!) is not feasible to have an expensive/elaborate wedding.
Any thoughts? I am beyond frustrated in my search because I keep coming up with much larger venues than I would like. This wedding will not be traditional, so we're open to looking outside of the box and looking at options that might not be typical for weddings.