Missouri-St Louis

Air brush Make-up?

I really want make-up that is going to hold up through everything.  I am a bit of a cryer, so I know I need something water proof.  I don't want to be shiney and I love eye make-up a bit dark.  I was wondering if I should go with air-brush.  I hear it is much better for your skin and holds up much better.  I have started looking into it, but don't know what prices average.  Any advice?

Re: Air brush Make-up?

  • edited December 2011
    I love MAC make up.  The brand is awesome, and the girls know what they are talking about.  There are stands in most Macy's.  There is also a store at Frontenac Mall.  I know that's an expensive mall so I don't normally go there except for MAC.  I would look into having them do your make up.  It's about $50 dollars, but worth it.  I also like dark make up, but make sure it's timeless.  And remember that make up always looks lighter in pictures. 
  • Twitty2Twitty2 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I had my airbrush makeup done by Christina from Christina Studios- It was amazing! I sweat so bad and have super oily skin- This stuff was on all night and looked totally natural! Still looked like me, only WAY better!!! Check her out at www.csudiostl.com

    Best of Luck!
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