New York-Hudson Valley

Photo Sites

I know there have been similar posts before, but I've scrolled back and I can't find anything recent. Anyway, I've created an account on Shutterfly for wedding pictures. Instead of having disposable cameras at the wedding, I'm going to provide my guests with the website and the password so that they can upload their digital photos if they choose to do so. I was wondering if anyone who did this would mind sharing how they disclosed this information to their guests? I was thinking of printing up little cards (business size) and leaving them on the tables, but I'm unsure of how to word them. Any help would be appreciated! TIA!


Re: Photo Sites

  • edited December 2011
    I haven't done this but I think it's a great idea. I was thinking maybe you could say something like:

    We will be hosting a digital portfolio of photos our guests have taken at our wedding. We hope you can add to the memories. Please upload photos you've taken from our wedding, at

    Then you can give the username and password or whatever is required.

    Keep it simple.
    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Pictures, Images and Photos
  • ssagessage member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    We did postcards on the table with the information as to the site, a username and password.

    Sadly, no one used it :(
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Anniversary
  • edited December 2011
    We used shutterfly. We had business cards on all the tables. Only 2 people posted to it. (But a lot posted on facebook)

    Anyway- what our cards said:

    Did you take some great pictures today?
    We would love to see!

    Go to:
    (listed our website here)

    (And then I listed directions:)

    Select pictures and videos on the left
    Select + add pictures in the wedding album (that's what I called it)
    If you already have an account,
    enter your email address and log in
    If not, select "Join Shutterfly" and get started!
    Select upload to wedding album.

    We can't wait to see your pictures!

    Hope this helps. I wanted to give directions hoping it would encourage people to post more easily.

  • edited December 2011
    Thank you guys for the recommendations. I have a lot of techies and photographers in my family - hopefully the site will be utilized!

    Paige :-)
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