Wedding Etiquette Forum

Thank you cards

What should I do about this?

My future in-laws gave me a bridal shower card today.  (Step-mother missed the shower last weekend) In the card was $100 gift card.  She then proceeded to say, 1/2 is for the shower and 1/2 is for the wedding.  (not relative but FI and I decided not to use anything from the shower until after the wedding anyway)

So here is my question.  Do I send 2 thank you cards?  One out of my SHOWER thank you's and one when we do our WEDDING thank you's or just send the one now and be done with it?

Want to be correct but honestly don't care if I offend them.

Re: Thank you cards

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    I would just send one, thanking them for the generous gift.
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    Agreed. One should be sufficient to thank them for their support and the gift. 
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    I agree. One should be sufficient. Just make sure you talk about the 2 different gift cards in the TY so she knows you acknowledged both.
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    Wait, they gave you one gift card and said it was for two occasions? I wouldn't worry about proper etiquette thank you on this one. She could have easily given you two smaller gift cards. She was just being lazy. Send one thank you and end it there. When you send wedding thank you's just thank her for coming.
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    I agree with PP.  One gift for two occasions does not equal two gifts; one thank-you card should be sufficient, though thanking them for attending the wedding would be a nice gesture.
    Mrs. Abbe Peanut Butter || Planning Bio
    June 2012 February Signature: Favorite picture of you & FI
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