Wedding Etiquette Forum

Donation Card: Whose names goes under From:???

My FI and I decided to do a donation to Autism Speaks in leiu of favors. We just recieved the display cards and I don't know whose name to put! The wording is as follows:
"A donation has been maed in your honor to Autism Speaks

So my question is, whose name goes under the from section? Since the donation was made by FI and myself, shouldn't our names go there? Or, since the donation was made in the guest's honor, should it be the guest's names?

All these questions make my head swim.  :-)
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Re: Donation Card: Whose names goes under From:???

  • Honestly, while it's great to donate to charity, does this need to be broadcast to your guests?

    Keep in mind that donations in lieu of favors can be considered a bit controversial here.  It basically says, "Instead of giving you a small gift, we've given to a charity," but is that really a gift?  And does it need to be broadcast that you gave to charity?

    If you insist upon it, I'd make a card with my own wording that says, "In lieu of favors, the bride and groom have donated to Autism Speaks."
  • edited September 2010
    I would put your names there. It's like my great Uncle who every year at Christmas give me card saying "10 Gideon bibles have been donated in your honor from John Johnson" He gave the gift, so it's from him.

    edited to add and fix my typos:

    And I also agree with Banana. If you do want to do something, you could just put up a frame near your guest book that has the same message and leave it at that.
  • edited September 2010
    I have to say we considered doing this as well, and after some feedback here we did change our minds (well, I changed MY mind and H didn't really care either way) and just donated to our charity after the fact without announcing it. 

    You of course can do whatever you wish, I just know I hadn't thought of some of the things the ladies here pointed out.  If you would still like your guests to know, maybe you could do something like putting a small sign or note on your guest book table saying that in honor of your wedding you've donated to this charity. 

    EDIT:  I just realized I suggested the same thing as Samurai.  :-)
  • Go to the Favours board, Twilight Rose has a good sticky on this topic.

    But to answer the question in the "from" section I would put the name of the couple (which would be you).
  • Catwoman708Catwoman708 member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited September 2010
    I'm not trying to discourage you, or anyone from donating to a charity, or donating in lieu of favors.  Favors are not required, so there is no need to give an explanation for skipping the favors.

    To announce that you made a donation just seems like self promotion.    Just because the charity sent you cards doesn't mean you have to use them.  They are just free advertising and PR for the Charity. 

    Putting a discrete notation in the program or small sign on display would be in much better taste.
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