Hello everyone, I am asking this question on behalf of my friend. Thank you in advance for your help. She asked me about how she should go about annoucing her engagement to everyone and I offered to get some advice on here.
So obviously, I know that she should start with calling the parents, then siblings, then grand-parents....but here are our questions.
1.) She lives close (ish) to her mom, sister, brother, grandma and FSIL. Should she make a point to go see them to tell them in person?
2.) Her FMIL lives really far away but should they call her or tell her on Skype? Does it matter?
3.) She has lots of Aunts, Uncles and Cousins who she does not talk to regularly at all. She doesn't even have e-mail addresses for all of them at this point. She does have many of them on facebook and talks to them from time-to-time on there- but not all of them are on facebook. Should she ask her mom to get her all of their e-mail addresses so she can send them e-mails? Can she send a mass e-mail if it is only going to a group of relatives who are from the same family? Can she tell some on facebook in a PM? Is it okay that she doesn't phone them (she really doesn't want to phone them since they never speak on the phone.) She could ask her mom to please call them all for her but she's worried because her Mom isn't the greatest at this kind of thing and may procrastinate or put off telling some people. Can she ask on facebook for the cousins and aunts that she does tell to please spread the word to the others? Are written engagement annoucements a better idea to send in the mail?
4.) Can she tell her friends in a text message or should she make sure to phone them? Is it okay to tell friends some friends the news via facebook? When is it okay to update her status on facebook? (She uses facebook frequently and like me only has her good friends and relatives on there, not strangers or old aquaintances. Could she send them a PM to her friends on facebook to tell them the news (not her best friends?) She doesn't have all of their e-mail addresses and current phone numbers since they always talk and make plans on facebook. But she could probably get them (by asking on facebook for them) if that is best.
5.) When she gets her engagement announcement in the paper, is it okay to scan that and share it on facebook and share in her status that their annoucement is in the paper today?
6.) Are there any suggestions on what to say or not to say when she does get to share her engagement on facebook? She would like to change her status to engaged and possibly update her status as well.