Really just needed to say that as our planner is collecting our RSVPS it amazes me at the responses (and lack of responses) we continue to get. So many people have yet to RSVP and their response has been "Well, I told you guys we were coming, so I didn't know we needed to put the card in the mail too!". Really, I cannot keep track of what one person tells me these days, let alone 200 ppl.
Several other people have taken it upon themselves to add 1,2, even 3 people to their RSVP card. Including all their kids and grandkids.
We have also had people say well I want to bring my baby/grandbaby - this will be a great opportunity to show him/her off and so everyone can see him/her - umm no, its not a great opportunity for that. One family member RSVPd with his kid and said this, and we had the whole "no kids" speech suggested so many times on this forum. I also suggested a list of childcare providers that our planners contracts with and he was not very happy and said "We know how to take care of our kids, thank you very much.". Uhh ok then.
And lastly, there are people we did not invite who have asked if we can just send them an invite so they can have one, b/c they are feeling left out. They said they won't come ,but would just like the invite!
I cannot wait to see what surprises await us with the next batch of RSVPs and special requests

What was your craziest/strangest/funniest RSVP story?