Wedding Etiquette Forum

Opinions- Online STDs: Tacky or Convenient?

Hello, ladies... I'm from NJ and I am just curious about if you feel like online save-the-dates are tacky or better (for certain people).  I know that many older people would still need paper ones if they don't use email, but for younger guests, do you think it's more cost affective for me to just email them?  Or is that really tacky?  Thanks for any opinions!

Re: Opinions- Online STDs: Tacky or Convenient?

  • STD are not needed andneed no reply if sentPersonaly I woudl not view and email as a STD and it woudl not get on the calendar the same way
  • Not tacky at all, I've never heard anyone say differently. If you don't want to bother with paper STDs you or your mom could always call your older relatives or just drop them a note.  
  • It's not tacky but are you worried about people forwarding the STD email to others?
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

  • One thing I'd avoid is sending out a mass e-mail STD and including folks you haven't seen in ages.  If you haven't talked to someone in a while, I'd send them a personalized note (in paper or electronically) mentioning the wedding.
  • I don't think it's tacky, but it's not my personal preference as a recipient. I have about five things on my fridge, so someone's wedding date glares at me every time I go in there, it's stuck to my fridge and it's not going anywhere. Whereas I use my e-mail for everything and that STD would get buried so quickly and I would be itching to delete it and get it out of my inbox. Others are different though, just my personal preference.
  • The whole point of an STD is to make it visible so your guests can make hotel arrangements, save money for travel, etc.    Paper STDs are easy to keep on the fridge; email STDs are easy to get overlooked or deleted.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

  • interesting...I'm way more likely to lose something that's a piece of paper than an e-mail. I guess everyone's different.
  • Save the dates aren't even a requirement at all, so if you want to send out a big e-mail, that's perfectly fine.  The main purpose is just for oot guests in case they need advance notice to buy plane tickets or book hotels, especially if your wedding is on a holiday weekend or busy travel weekend.  If you're having a local wedding with mostly local guests, you don't even need STDs at all.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I would also like to recommend that anybody having a Friday or weekday wedding send out STDs. Only because people might have to coordinate work schedules, or school schedules, and even though you think everyone knows that its on a Friday, you'd be surprised how many people assume its on a Saturday until the week of.

    If I wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, I'd put shoes on the cat. image

  • Very good points and advice from all of you!  Thank you so much!  It's not that I mind sending them out, I'm just trying to be convenient for the most people in a way that will not waste my money.  I agree that I would lose track of an online STD unless I keep it in my inbox forever!  We'll see... thank you again!
  • I had a cousin who did his save the dates via e-mail. I heard some very mixed views on it. Me personally, if I do not have something to keep on the fridge or in my calendar I might be more likely to forget, but for those who look at their e-mail for often it might be easier.
  • I think it depends on the "style" of your wedding.  If you are planning on having  very formal wedding, I would not send an email STD.  If you are looking to save some $$ could you just send them to OOT and older family members?  Your nearby friends and family probably already know.
  • I think STD emails are great.  If you send it to someone that is going to lose it or forget your wedding date - then maybe its better they don't come anyway.  Also, it gives a chance for everyone to view your website and learn more about the wedding and you and your FI.  I know when I sent my online STD, my website got over 200 views in just a couple of days.  That's pretty effective if you ask me.  If they prefer paper, then they can just wait until the actual invitation comes in the mail.
  • We did email STDs.  I'd do email invitations if my fiance would let me.  I think adding more paper to this whole wedding process is wasteful.  STDs are not required, so if we didn't email, then we wouldn't have them.  We're trying to be as environmentally-friendly in our wedding planning, so for us to send out paper STDs would be hypocritical.  But yes, as the PPs have mentioned, the negative about email STDs is that people might delete the email, but the positive is that you can include a link to your website in the email, so there is a greater chance of people actually going to the website--getting more information & the email making a memorable impression.    
  • I really like the idea of saving paper (and money).  It is a very good point that they are going to get an invitation in the mail anyway!  The people who I know are going to be there  (close friends, aunts, uncles, etc.) probably won't need anything to look at as a reminder (we're the first ones getting married pretty much, so it's the be-all-to-end-all in both our families).  Thanks again for your opinions... I'll probably just get the 100 free from Vistaprint and send the rest through email.  Thank you!!  :-)
  • We did e-mail Save The Dates and I think they worked great.  I made a little e-card style STD and included my website so guests could follow along since we didn't have much planned at that point.  It wasn't a destination wedding or anything and the few older guests who didn't have e-mail were notified by word of mouth. 
  • It's 2009 when everything is done electronically.  Not tacky at all!!  I just sent out my STD via the knot they were great and everyone loved them.. Of course I will be mailing our grandparents paper copies..Good Luck!!
  • I have to disagree with most. I think they're tacky. Maybe it's the Emily Post in me. In my opinion, either make the effort to have printed save-the-dates or don't send them at all. It's true, they're not a necessity.
  • That's how I did mine! We are paying for the wedding and are buying our first home weeks after the wedding. Needless to say our budget was strict and we had to find ways to cut costs.We sent ours out through evites and the response was great. Older relatives did not have computers to or e-mail addresses, but we made sure to mention the date to them personally.Looking back at it, I'm really happy we did so.  We are two months out from getting married, and sent out the actual invites a big early, since so much of our guests consisted of out of town guests.It worked out great, and I would recommend as a way to save some $$Feel free to check out mine. Keep in mind... Because of our modest budget, we sadly couldn't have people bring guests that weren't in a relationship.     We made sure to check off part of the site that did not allow people to say themselves + 1.  Good luck!
  • I don't think they are tacky at all. Have you checked out They have online save the dates that go out in an email form to all your guests. They are very chic and classy. They even have guest designers like Martha Stewart help design some of the e-cards. Most of them are free or you can even customize your own for $10 and put a picture of you and your fiance on it. We did one back in September to announce my own wedding. Here are some samples I wrote about on my blog if you want to check out some of their designs and it links directly to the wedding section of their website or directly to the blog:
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