So my MOH and I have been best friends for quite a few years. However, since high school I have lived in AZ while she went to school in WA and now lives in Paris. We have slowly drifted apart a bit and have become stronger in our (opposite) views. I feel that she is always attacking the military and the Catholic church, while my FI and I are apart of both of these things. Additionally, she has only met the FI several times because of the distance issue but i have a really gut feeling that she either doesn't like him, or doesn't like that I'm getting married. I think it might be that she feels I am too young(21), or because we were always partners in crime. It has gotten to where I don't talk wedding with her, along with politics, or religion.
Also, some of my BMs have all decided that they are saving for the wedding by putting away $5 a week. They call it their "Sandwhich savings," because its us bringing lunch instead of buying it one day a week. I would want to mention this to her since I think its a good idea, but I feel like on top of everything else it will go over extremley poor.
I don't know how I should handle this situation... I know I should talk to her but I don't want to make it awkward, and I dont want her to get mad. I just know that I'm angry, and if she is also agry then it is going to be a mess...:[
When she was in the states we would talk frequently