Hi Ladies,
I really need to just get this out and vent for a minute before I start World War III with my family!!
LIttle background, my fiance and I have been together 4 1/2 years, got engaged last March and are planning a April 2012 wedding. My older cousin (Big brother figure in my life) got engaged this past July and is planning a Feb 2012 wedding with his (now fiance) who have been together a little more than a year.
(I am NOT the jealous, "we got engaged first so we get married first" type). So I at this point have NO problem with any of this.
So, here is where they drop the bomb on us.... Its a destination wedding! One that would cost approx $2500 for my fiance and I to attend 2 months before our own wedding. Fiance and I are paying for MOST of our wedding on our own, so attending this wedding is NOT a financial possibility. Mr Fiance and I spoke to my cousin, and explained the situation, that we could not go, but would LOVE to do something with them, like go out to dinner, when they get back from their honeymoon. (We would of course, still give a gift for the wedding, too).
I think my cousin (or his fiance) may have been offended by this, because when we got the save the date last night, its was addressed to me and "GUEST" .... Now, is it just me, or is that a little disrespectful? This isn't "some guy I'm dating" this is MY FUTURE HUSBAND, and they acknowledge them as a "Guest" ?!?!
Sorry, I just needed to get that out!!!
Any feedback would be appreciated!