Wedding Etiquette Forum

Well hello there Wednesday...........

I'm glad it's 7:30 and still dark outside because the weather is crappy and I spent half the night listening to thunder and on the edge of the bed just KNOWING it would wake up Jocelyn - but of course never did. 

I'm sleepy - but overall pretty happy today.  How is everyone else?

Re: Well hello there Wednesday...........

  • Good morning!

    I'm sleepy, too. It's going to be hot again here today.. no good storms here. Supposedly some people around here saw the northen lights last night, so that's kind of cool.
  • It's bright outside, but I think we're just between rains.

    I woke up an anxious wreck this morning.  Couldn't tell you why.
  • LTB - I caught a few minutes of Teen Mom last night - right when Maci got a call from that guy and then Gary gave Amber the bracelet, but then I realized I was missing sleep for Teen mom and promptly turned it off.  LOL. 
  • Got in a argument with H last night - just hate those. It was stupid, but still got me upset. So therefore my eyes are puffy from crying and I really should be getting ready for work but procrastinating as long as I can. And I have a killer headache. I hope it goes away soon or else my brain is not even going to be able to think about curriculum for the new school year.
  • Good morning everyone!  Today is going to be a brutal day at work. Oh well, at least it's Wednesday! 
  • Aw Missy, that sucks, hope you feel better soon!

    Dark and rainy here, too.  Last night my mom told me I'm "unsentimental" because I don't have "something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue".  It's not that I don't WANT to do it, I just haven't had time to worry about that stuff.  Geez lady, get up off my back.
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  • Dentist  and chiro appts today.  Dinner at the ILs.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Well hello there Wednesday...........</a>:
    [QUOTE]Aw Missy, that sucks, hope you feel better soon! Dark and rainy here, too.  Last night my mom told me I'm "unsentimental" because I don't have "something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue".  It's not that I don't WANT to do it, I just haven't had time to worry about that stuff.  Geez lady, get up off my back.
    Posted by FutureMrsTR[/QUOTE]

    Thanks! I think going to work will hopefully take my mind off of things as long as this headache starts to ease up.

    I know what you mean about the old, new, borrowed, blue thing. That was the least of my worries, too when I was planning. It just kinda fell into place for me.
  • TR - my mom made a big deal about that stuff finally I just told her to let me borrow this ring that I had given her for Christmas that was diamonds and sapphires (my mom and dads birthstones).  It knocked 2 things off the list. 
  • Good morning!  Sounds like everyone is having a rough Wednesday already.  At least when today is over we're halfway through the week.

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  • Good morning!
    Sorry you had a fight Missy.  I hope work does take your mind off it.
    I'm tired today because I stayed up late talking to my brother who became a father yesterday!  I have a niece now and I'm stoked!

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Well hello there Wednesday...........</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good morning! Sorry you had a fight Missy.  I hope work does take your mind off it. I'm tired today because I stayed up late talking to my brother who became a father yesterday!  I have a niece now and I'm stoked!
    Posted by bintmejnuna[/QUOTE]

    Awww, congratulations, Auntie!

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Congrats Aunt bintmejnuna!
    ttc chart
    BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
  • Morning! I'm eating cereal at home before I have to head to work. I finally got up early enough to eat breakfast at home, instead of just eating a granola bar in the car.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Well hello there Wednesday...........</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good morning! Sorry you had a fight Missy.  I hope work does take your mind off it. I'm tired today because I stayed up late talking to my brother who became a father yesterday!  I have a niece now and I'm stoked!
    Posted by bintmejnuna[/QUOTE]

    Congrats!  What's her name? 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Well hello there Wednesday...........</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good morning! Sorry you had a fight Missy.  I hope work does take your mind off it. I'm tired today because I stayed up late talking to my brother who became a father yesterday!  I have a niece now and I'm stoked!
    Posted by bintmejnuna[/QUOTE]

    Thank you!

    Congrats! That is awesome you are an Aunt. Hope everyone is doing well =)
  • Good morning!  It's stupid hot and humid here today already.  Yuck!

    Now I must go find coffee.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks everyone! 
    Everyone is doing fine.  Her name is Mackenzie (which is what my mom was going to name me, but then didn't at the last minute.  It's a family name).  I'm just sad I'm stuck in England for the rest of the month.  I want to meet her!
  • Mackenzie is a great name.  I've known two Mackenzie's in my life and they were both pretty awesome!  :) 
  • I knew it was going to be a crap day when H's alarm went off and it was the hourly temp report and it was 85 at 6:00 AM. I'm going to be so slammed today. It's our end of the month and apparently everyone holds all their new orders (my most time consuming task) until the very last day. I have about 30 of them. I usually have 1-4. Uck.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • 85 at 6am?  Ick!  I really can't regulate my temperature so extremes are just terrible
  • Morning. I'm still trying to adjust to the school schedule. I was running a couple of minutes behind this morning, and the schoolbus came 5 minutes EARLY to boot, so that got me all discombobulated. I still have a 3-4 page paper to write for class tomorrow, and I'm not a comfortable writer. I get the mechanics of it, but the engineer in me wants to write a bulleted memo, not a 3-4 page critique of a 4 page article.
  • Good morning all!  I took 2 Benadryl last night and I feel like a zombie this morning, ugh :(

    Oh, and I totally watched Teen Mom last night, too, but it's on much earlier here, at 8.  And my BFF got engaged last night, on her 30th birthday.  I'm so happy for her- she's wanted to get married since I met her 10 years (and 2 BF's) ago.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Well hello there Wednesday...........</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good morning all!  I took 2 Benadryl last night and I feel like a zombie this morning, ugh :(
    Posted by kikibaby[/QUOTE]

    I can only take one benedryl at night or else I'm COMPLETELY non-functional the next day.  Even with one, I'm a zombie for at least 12 hours.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • Good Morning everyone!!

    Woke up this morning and I swear I saw Dorothy and ToTo fly by my house. It was super windy and dark. It then started pouring down rain and I had to go out in it and take the kids to school. Sucks! I'm now back at home, and for the first time since I have been off, I am trying to not get back in my bed. LOL!!

    Missy, sorry about your fight. Feel better!  Welcome to the Auntie club, bint!!

    I'm pretty excited about today. I'm dropping my shoes off to get dyed and picking my veil and headpiece up. We also got Fuddrucker's coupons so we get to go there for dinner tonight!
    And the whole time, my future husband was in the room...... image image
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:27b57351-7e61-45eb-be9d-8e8999c34683Post:1b345e4d-09fc-4e83-b656-7ac78861b47b">Well hello there Wednesday...........</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm glad it's 7:30 and still dark outside because the weather is crappy and I spent half the night listening to thunder and on the edge of the bed just KNOWING it would wake up Jocelyn - but of course never did.  I'm sleepy - but overall pretty happy today.  How is everyone else?
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    Ah Stack....nothing like the 3:30am wake up call....if the storm didn't wake me 4 dogs in the bed did

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  • morning! today is my day. WEDNESDAY is the best day of the week.
    i just had to add...I LOVE TEEN MOM!!!!!
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  • I wish I had ww's energy.  I'm trying desperately to stay awake and wishing that it was 4:45 instead of 8:45.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • Good morning.  I'm happy I'm not at work today cause I just don't feel good.  I slept til 9:30 - I don't think I've done that in 5 years.  I feel like I could still sleep more, but I have a ton of stuff to do today.  Including going to Ikea, which I'm not all that excited about.  
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:27b57351-7e61-45eb-be9d-8e8999c34683Post:85018c42-6b58-4482-85f2-38825883c1dd">Re: Well hello there Wednesday...........</a>:
    [QUOTE]I wish I had ww's energy.  I'm trying desperately to stay awake and wishing that it was 4:45 instead of 8:45.
    Posted by wadingmoose[/QUOTE]
    is that going to put it in blue?  i've been trying to figure that out lol
    my name is WEDNESDAY so i was just being a dork :P
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