Wedding Etiquette Forum

Cult Crasher??

My FI has a friend who he lived with the year before we got together. Since then, the friend has joined what is tantamount to a cult. Whenever they see each other now, he tried to convince my FI to come to meetings. When we made the guest list, we never considered inviting this friend, as they only see each other twice a year. Well tonight, 2 DAYS before the wedding, the friend called and asked to come to the wedding. It was a very nice message where he said he wanted to come support us, but still.... We worry that if he comes, he may spend the evening pushing his agenda, especially since he won't know anyone. I don't want to turn away someone with good intentions who truly wants to share in our day, but I don't want someone who is going to make my friends and family uncomfortable. What to do?
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