Wedding Etiquette Forum

Night Time

What's up? I've been reclassifying my pins on pinterest. I've broken out my home board in to different rooms and am breaking out my food boards into different categories. I have like 54 boards now. This is a problem.

Re: Night Time

  • Don't stress about the AMA thing, Bubbs.  You ARE young. 
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Time</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hi everyone! Bubbs, how is everything with your job situation working out?  Hopefully all of your thyroid issues will be resolved soon.
    Posted by strlzfan11[/QUOTE]

    <div>Well, after I got fired in September they gave me 3 weeks severence and I've been on unemployment ever since. It's a bad time of year to get hired and I'm trying to switch careers from games to film. Those jobs are even more rare. So, no luck so far but we're managing. And I have to say I haven't regretting it for a minute, getting fired. I'm much happier than I was back then. And I've been doing a ton of knitting, especially before Christmas, for people an that's bringing in some extra money and making me feel useful. :P</div><div>
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Thanks Fezz. I decided to dream about a fitness room in my house today.
  • Good evening! 
    I'm just hanging out here for a while, and then I think I am going to go over to the Dr's office across the street. 
    My shoulder has really been bothering me for a while, on Monday I could barely lift it, today I can lift it but it hurts so bad. It's like stabbing pinching pain. I figure I should go get it checked out just in case. But I'm not sure. 

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Time</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks Fezz. I decided to dream about a fitness room in my house today.
    Posted by mkrupar[/QUOTE]

    <div>I would love this.  And an alter-g.  Anddd an indoor pool.</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Time</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks Fezz. I decided to dream about a fitness room in my house today.
    Posted by mkrupar[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>I want a ballet barre and a marley floor...</div>
  • MUN, my dream house will have a small dance studio just for me.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:3f060a21-e88f-41f2-b79d-8e94cdaba76aPost:dab81d9f-6dd1-47a3-9e3d-29a7e801be62">Re: Night Time</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Night Time : Well, after I got fired in September they gave me 3 weeks severence and I've been on unemployment ever since. It's a bad time of year to get hired and I'm trying to switch careers from games to film. Those jobs are even more rare. So, no luck so far but we're managing. And I have to say I haven't regretting it for a minute, getting fired. I'm much happier than I was back then. And I've been doing a ton of knitting, especially before Christmas, for people an that's bringing in some extra money and making me feel useful. :P
    Posted by Bubbalub[/QUOTE]

    Been there done that, but<em> </em>I am glad you are happier.  Hopefully something will come along for you soon in the area you want to be in.
  • Hey everyone! We have pizza on the way. I'm excited.
  • ...woudn't that be awesome MuSu.  I'd let FI use it sometimes for yoga though.  cuz i'm nice.
  • See that would be the one room in the house that J would not go in, and would probably avoid, haha. What I wouldn't give to have space just to dance and let stress out from the day.
  • I never dance any more unless I get to in a play.  It's sad.  I need to get back in a class some where but it's so hard to schedule.
  • I know what you mean. I just don't have the extra money to pay for classes, but yeah it is really hard to find classes that are adult level without being a beginner class.
  • Hi I'm here for a short bit.  

    I agree with whoever said they wanted Pinterest to have sub-categories.  That would be ideal.  And I was confused about why/how MK was repinning everything from herself.

    I had leftover chinese for dinner - it was pretty yum.

    I have a gyn appt on Friday and I hope AF holds off so I don't have to cancel.

    H took everything off the walls today.  He's going to patch tomorrow and paint Friday.  My house looks LAME!  I have a phone interview tomorrow evening.  An initial phone screen.  I need to get moved.  We have someone interested in renting our house and if they like it and want it and I don't have a job yet I may end up living with MIL for a while.  Eeeeffffffff.

  • I KNOW.  And when I do find them, they're in the middle of the weekday. 

    Someday I shall be a housewife.  and I will DANCE damnit.
  • MuSu I can understand that.  Crazy to think how you can't just dance anywhere.  Sometimes I feel really lucky that I run because it's possible to do anywhere.  Other times I hate myself for doing it. 
  • I want one of those endless pools Meg. One of these:
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Time</a>:
    [QUOTE]I KNOW.  And when I do find them, they're in the middle of the weekday.  <strong>Someday I shall be a housewife.  and I will DANCE damnit.</strong>
    Posted by MyUserName1[/QUOTE]

    <3 I loved being a dance teacher and I am sad I didn't get to teach this year. but I also miss performing.
  • the theatre company I'm on the board of is likely doing Cabaret in that might be the next time i get to perform dance.  But at least it will be on a chair in my underwear, so small victories.
  • My dad was at the game, and he said it was the best, most exciting game he's seen in the last decade.  (He's a season ticket holder.)

    I just realized that I'm AMA if I don't get KU in the next couple months.  I don't know how I feel about that.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Time</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hi I'm here for a short bit.   I agree with whoever said they wanted Pinterest to have sub-categories.  That would be ideal.  <strong>And I was confused about why/how MK was repinning everything from herself. </strong>I had leftover chinese for dinner - it was pretty yum. I have a gyn appt on Friday and I hope AF holds off so I don't have to cancel. H took everything off the walls today.  He's going to patch tomorrow and paint Friday.  My house looks LAME!  I have a phone interview tomorrow evening.  An initial phone screen.  I need to get moved.  We have someone interested in renting our house and if they like it and want it and I don't have a job yet I may end up living with MIL for a while.  Eeeeffffffff.
    Posted by Loopyseven[/QUOTE]

    Haha...I wanted some pins on several boards and in order to do that you have to repin them. So I look like a crazy now repinning things from myself.
  • Hi Everyone!

    I'm waiting for H to get home from school.  It's his first full day back for the new semester and I'm getting used to being alone again and bored out of my mind. Maybe I'll venture over to Pinterest; signed up but haven't started. I'm afraid I'll get addicted.

    Bubs, I'm right there with you with the AMA.  I dread hearing that but I know it's coming.  We're considering waiting a couple months before TTC so it's gonna put me at 36 (at the youngest) when I deliver. Eek.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Time</a>:
    [QUOTE]I want one of those endless pools Meg. One of these: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
    Posted by mkrupar[/QUOTE]

    <div>OMG yesss so awesome.  I do want one that is big enough for volleyball though.  Also when FI and I begin house hunting the bathroom has to be big enough to hold a whirlpool/hot tub thing.  So many days I just sit in the tub to rest my legs it's awesome but it could be more comfortable/fit us both (TMI?).</div>
  • Hello! I SHOULD have gone to kickboxing tonight, but I've decided to give myself this week to get used to my new schedule with my internship, and also spend some time getting to know the new pup. Saturday is going to be a rough day at the gym, I'm quite certain. I'm trying to decide what to have for dinner, since it's just me and the dogs until 8:30
  • Cabaret?! That is awesome though. :) You could try to sneak in more dancing?! hehe.

    J asked me on the HM what age I wanted to actually start trying to have kids (we talk about it as a future thing but haven't really put an "age" on it) .... when I said 25 he was like whoa that is not that far away! WTF when did I grow up.
  • We're going to wait until FI is out of law school for that.  Since he's in a night program  while working full time, that's not until 2015.  
  • Yeah I am planning on being out of law school too --- which will be in a year from this May (HURRAY) and hopefully secured a job after that. J might still be in grad school when we start, but who knows.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Time</a>:
    [QUOTE]Cabaret?! That is awesome though. :) You could try to sneak in more dancing?! hehe. J asked me on the HM what age I wanted to actually start trying to have kids (we talk about it as a future thing but haven't really put an "age" on it) .... when I said 25 he was like whoa that is not that far away! WTF when did I grow up.
    Posted by musicalsunlight[/QUOTE]

    <div>25 sounds like such a good, reasonable age.  FI is 26.  So for him, that ship has sailed.  Pretty much I think he won't be a daddy til he's 30.  Oh well, he's patient.  Me, on the other hand...not so much.</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Time</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Night Time : OMG yesss so awesome.  I do want one that is big enough for volleyball though.  Also when FI and I begin house hunting the bathroom has to be big enough to hold a whirlpool/hot tub thing. <strong> So many days I just sit in the tub to rest my legs it's awesome but it could be more comfortable/fit us both (TMI?).</strong>
    Posted by Megbo2012[/QUOTE]

    Not TMI. My husband is 6'5". The only tub we've been comfortable in together was the giant jacuzzi tub in our cabin in TN.
  • 25 sounds so young from the other side (:
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