Wedding Etiquette Forum

Plus 1 Guest Issues

Due to the capacity of the venue where we are getting married my FI and I decided that single guests did not get a plus 1 in order to keep our numbers under.  We did  however give single WP members a plus 1.

My problem is that our one WP members roommate, who is single, RSVP'd saying that it is just for him but he is going to use our WP plus 1 if he does not bring a date.  My issue with this is that other single people who were invited did not get plus 1's and the only reason why single WP members do is because of the role they are taking on in our day.  So basically what I want to know is it rude to tell our guest that plus 1's are not transferable? 

Re: Plus 1 Guest Issues

  • Your WP member is allowed to bring anyone he likes as his +1.  If he chooses to bring his roommate's date, that's his choice and you really can't say anything about it.
    Married 10/2/10
  • I don't think it's rude to clarify, and I do think it's rude of him to assume that they are. 

    Explain to him as politely as possible that +1's are reserved for the WP and you do not want to make an exception for him because that would not be fair to the other guests.

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:4cd49c31-7395-4c90-984c-2ef2af4759a7Post:9ac4eb1c-0a3c-4132-9742-dd68266875de">Re: Plus 1 Guest Issues</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't think it's rude to clarify, and I do think it's rude of him to assume that they are.  Explain to him as politely as possible that +1's are reserved for the WP and you do not want to make an exception for him because that would not be fair to the other guests.
    Posted by amysmomma[/QUOTE]

    I agree. It's not fair to other guests, so no, I don't think it would be at all rude to inform him that plus 1's are for wedding party only.
    some MOH love! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Haha... Or if WP wants to bring friend's date as his +1, then friends date should sit with WP member as his +1 and WP friend will sit alone with whomever you were planning to seat him... (I'm just kidding, just thought it was a funny theoretical revenge.)
  • You should really just say that you either have budget or space issues and that's why you had to keep it limited.  We kind of made the rule that we were only inviting +1s of couples that we knew both of or if they are in a real relationship.  We're not really inviting anyone that started dating yesterday, and none of the single people are bringing dates.  I just think it would be weird, and esp. for my FI's fraternity brothers, would just make it into a bigger drunken mess than we alreay anticipate.
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