Wedding Etiquette Forum



 Just wanted to say thank you for all your recommendations regarding Santiago.  I just got back from S. America this past weekend and loved it! 

 The first day we got to Santiago, it was really, really hot.  My friend and her bf took us to a Chilean restaurant where cooled down with some pisco sours and a "terromoto".  We later walked up the hill (yes, even though it was super hot) and got to see the sunset. Beautiful!  We were also really lucky because it was a clear day and we didn't experience the high smog while we were there.

Sadly, it rained while we were there but we went to a local bar and watched Colo Colo vs. Uni and it was such an awesome experience!  I just love the passion people have there and how friendly everyone was.  We also went to a local restaurant near the Moneda (I think) stop to watch Cueca dancing.  Some Chilean guy asked me to dance and I actually went up (with pañuelo in hand) and did the best I could.  I also loved seeing Pablo Neruda's home and just other little random things about Santiago.  How awesome that you get to live there :)

Re: ::EmilyinChile::

  •  Actually, I'm going to be an AW again. 
    Here is our delicious "terromoto" drink with booze and ice cream! (That's my friend mixing it up)


    Then H and I watching the sunset

    Then this was on our flight to Mendoza, Argentina.  The Andes were beautiful from the plane minus the last 15 minutes when we hit crazy turbulence and I kept thinking about the Uruguay Rugby team  and it freaked me out(mainly because my friend's bf kept talking about it the night before, ha)

  • Just saw your follow-up, but I can't see the pictures - not sure if it's this computer or a problem with the uploading. Can you try again?

    Terremotos are dangerous - so sweet yet so drunk-making.
  •  Thanks! (re: the marriage.  I'll have to post pro pics when I get them)

      We stayed in the Providencia area (the part not too far from the hill) at a Bed & Breakfast ( We really liked the area a lot.  It was really safe and had a lot of nice restaurants that are very subtle.  There were tons of pharmacies, grocery stores, cafes and it wasn't too far from public transportation.   The price wasn't too bad (I had a harder time finding hotels in Santiago compared to Buenos Aires) but enjoyed this place since it was "quaint".

    As for the pictures, hmm let me see if I can try it another way.  I wonder if anyone else can see it?
  • That place looks cute! And it's definitely well-located. Good to know for future visitors.
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