In order to watch me give birth, one must either have knocked me up, or hold an MD, or be a nurse. I don't need a bunch of people staring at my ladybits when they're looking their very worst.
I'm no where near even being pregnant yet (or wanting to try) but I've already laid down my ground rules because FSIL just gave birth in January and I now know WAAAAYYY too much information about what happened in that room.
Husband and doctor/nurses ONLY. No one else needs to see that but DH. And I'm sorry, but no visitors until after I've showered and rested.
I can't see the poll, but I want DH and my mom mom was a DR nurse for 20 years, so an extra set of eyes on that monitor can never hurt!
Plus, she's delivered hundreds of babies and coached women through it, DH hasn't. She knows more of what to expect. Of course I want to rely on H more, but it's just reassuring to me if she's there.
Then again, she lives 1300 miles away and babies can be unpredictable, so who knows if she'll be around.
BFP(1) DD1 born 4.17.10 @ 33w5d due to pPROM
BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM
I'd be fine with FI and my mom. I know she'd want to be there, if possible, and it really wouldn't bother me, since we're really close. Anyone else, though - no way.
I don't get weirded out by the thought of my mom being in there with me, but maybe that's just because we're ridiculously close and I never thought she wouldn't be in there with me.
I think I'd be okay with mom being in there for the labour part, but maybe for my sanity, everyone except for H would leave for the actual delivery.
Parents wouldn't be called til the baby was born. I don't want them up in my grill or trying to be up in my grill. Plus, I would want a few hours of just us 3.
My sister would be there though. Not in the room, but at the actual hospital while it was going on.
I wouldn't be opposed to having my Mom there--even though we aren't super close...but, if I would open the doors (so to speak) to my mom, I have a feeling I would get shiit for not letting others in (i.e. Rich's mom)---so, I'll stick with just Rich, the docs, and myself. That way, no hurt feelings for not seeing the show.
I definitely want my mom (and H, of course) there. She's my best friend and I can't imagine going through it without her. Plus, she's been through it a couple of times, whereas FI hasn't.
I had DH and my mom in there. My mom is just a calming person and knows what I want without me having to ask. When I get stressed I get really quiet and she knows how to pull me out of it.
With that being said, when we have another one it will just be DH and I, and we will call everyone to come to the hospital after the baby is born. DH sister and mom were in the room until it was time to push and it was like I was on display with people just sitting there waiting for me to do a trick. AND - you can't eat - and what did SIL do? She brought her leftover pizza in the room. If I'd have been able to get out of bed, I'd have punched her!
If we ever have kids, it will be just H, me, and any necessary medical personnel (doctor, nurse, etc.). Both of my parents are doctors, so they'll probably WANT to be there to make sure everything goes okay, but I'm not going to let them.
If H were okay with it, I'd prefer to just let everyone know after the fact so they won't worry or be all up in my business. I really wouldn't even want any family members to come to the hospital at all.
Ha- all of you worried about people seeing you give birth... just wait! Your modesty and inhibitions go OUT THE WINDOW when you've been in labor for hours and just want some drugs to get the baby OUT!
I had my best friend (became daughters godmother) holding one leg, my mom holding the other and FI up by my head holding my hands (no, he didnt watch her come out) + 3 doctors and 4 nurses because I was a really complicated case.
At any rate, I couldnt imagine not having as many strong, supportive women as I could find in my life there w/ me when I have #2. Moms, aunties, SIL, friends....
I had my mom in the delivery room with me as well. My friend who just gave birth had her mother and her husband in the delivery room. I don't find it odd at all.
In Response to <a href="">Re: Birth Poll - Delivery Room Audience</a>: [QUOTE]In order to watch me give birth, one must either have knocked me up, or hold an MD, or be a nurse. I don't need a bunch of people staring at my ladybits when they're looking their very worst. Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]
This. Times a million. Mark knows he will be guarding the door. We may not even tell his mom we're going to the hospital. She's a nurse, she thinks this means she's allowed in. NO. Else it may be the last time she sees the baby.
I also want some time post-delivery with me & Mark and the baby. I want to clean myself up before there's any viewing, too.
I wouldn't want anyone but H in there (and doctors of course). Come to think of it, I'd be pretty uncomfortable if a friend asked me to be in the room while she delivers. I mean I have close friends and all but that just seems like a very personal situation for H and W.
I can't quote LC's comment, but there is no modesty in childbirth. Your ladybits are the last thing you'll be concerned with. Doctors, nurses, everyone will have their hands and fingers up your hooha. You won't care who's in the room or what they'll see.
Oh, and no cameras. I have some really far too graphic pictures of my cousin's kids being born. I do not need to know whether my cousin's wifes curtains match her drapes.
I voted other. I actually only want the doctor. If there's someone with me in situations like that, I tend to be a little less tough. If it's just me and doctor, I have no choice but to be focused and ready.
And my fiance has already requested that he doesn't want to be there. That's fine with me - so long as he waits in the hallway!
I just don't buy that all modesty goes out the window. I don't care how much pain I'm in or whatever, I still don't want my parents, siblings, inlaws, whoever up close and personal with my vagina. Yes, I realize having a baby is a pretty invasive thing, but still. No one who hasn't been medically trained to do all this junk, or didn't contribute semen to the situation is going to see me in all my child bearing glory. Period.
I know that FI prefers it to be just us. I agree, however if for some reason he weren't able to be there, or if the situation escalated, I would not be opposed to my mom and/or sister being there to provide moral support.
I want DH and my mom when the time comes, but that's because DH isn't always good in those situations and my mom is. But she and I are really close. I actually don't know many people that didn't have their mother with them.
As far as having some time with just DH, the baby and myself...I'm not afraid to ask people to leave. So we'll definitely get that time.
In Response to <a href="">Re: Birth Poll - Delivery Room Audience</a>: [QUOTE]I can't quote LC's comment, but there is no modesty in childbirth. Your ladybits are the last thing you'll be concerned with. Doctors, nurses, everyone will have their hands and fingers up your hooha. You won't care who's in the room or what they'll see. Posted by bbyckes[/QUOTE]
I might not care in that exact moment, but I would be mortified after the fact once my sanity returned. So - no. NOT HAPPENING. Get the eff out.
Re: Birth Poll - Delivery Room Audience
I really just can't imagine having either my mom or dad in there - and my dad practically delivered me!
Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
ttc chart
BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
Husband and doctor/nurses ONLY. No one else needs to see that but DH. And I'm sorry, but no visitors until after I've showered and rested.
Plus, she's delivered hundreds of babies and coached women through it, DH hasn't. She knows more of what to expect. Of course I want to rely on H more, but it's just reassuring to me if she's there.
Then again, she lives 1300 miles away and babies can be unpredictable, so who knows if she'll be around.
BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM
Basically, Robert can hold a leg, hand, whatever, but he sure as hell isn't taking a peak at anything south of the border.
And no, I'm not pregnant, facebook just makes me think about babies. Ya know, since I have like 20 pregnant facebook friends.
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I think I'd be okay with mom being in there for the labour part, but maybe for my sanity, everyone except for H would leave for the actual delivery.
Married Bio
Parents wouldn't be called til the baby was born. I don't want them up in my grill or trying to be up in my grill. Plus, I would want a few hours of just us 3.
My sister would be there though. Not in the room, but at the actual hospital while it was going on.
"It's shart week." -georgiabride
"This post is seriously retarded." -Stackeye210
Mrs & ZOMG we built a howse!
being healthy. blog.
Husband & mom in the room. But we live far from my mom, so I doubt she will be there.
With that being said, when we have another one it will just be DH and I, and we will call everyone to come to the hospital after the baby is born. DH sister and mom were in the room until it was time to push and it was like I was on display with people just sitting there waiting for me to do a trick. AND - you can't eat - and what did SIL do? She brought her leftover pizza in the room. If I'd have been able to get out of bed, I'd have punched her!
If H were okay with it, I'd prefer to just let everyone know after the fact so they won't worry or be all up in my business. I really wouldn't even want any family members to come to the hospital at all.
I had my best friend (became daughters godmother) holding one leg, my mom holding the other and FI up by my head holding my hands (no, he didnt watch her come out) + 3 doctors and 4 nurses because I was a really complicated case.
At any rate, I couldnt imagine not having as many strong, supportive women as I could find in my life there w/ me when I have #2. Moms, aunties, SIL, friends....
[QUOTE]In order to watch me give birth, one must either have knocked me up, or hold an MD, or be a nurse. I don't need a bunch of people staring at my ladybits when they're looking their very worst.
Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]
This. Times a million. Mark knows he will be guarding the door. We may not even tell his mom we're going to the hospital. She's a nurse, she thinks this means she's allowed in. NO. Else it may be the last time she sees the baby.
I also want some time post-delivery with me & Mark and the baby. I want to clean myself up before there's any viewing, too.
Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
And my fiance has already requested that he doesn't want to be there. That's fine with me - so long as he waits in the hallway!
Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
The PP that said the thing about cameras- hell to the no. Definitely no pictures of my dilated vagina with a head coming out of it. Sick.
Nose Job Blog
I know that FI prefers it to be just us. I agree, however if for some reason he weren't able to be there, or if the situation escalated, I would not be opposed to my mom and/or sister being there to provide moral support.
Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
I want DH and my mom when the time comes, but that's because DH isn't always good in those situations and my mom is. But she and I are really close. I actually don't know many people that didn't have their mother with them.
As far as having some time with just DH, the baby and myself...I'm not afraid to ask people to leave. So we'll definitely get that time.
[QUOTE]I can't quote LC's comment, but there is no modesty in childbirth. Your ladybits are the last thing you'll be concerned with. Doctors, nurses, everyone will have their hands and fingers up your hooha. You won't care who's in the room or what they'll see.
Posted by bbyckes[/QUOTE]
I might not care in that exact moment, but I would be mortified after the fact once my sanity returned. So - no. NOT HAPPENING. Get the eff out.
Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485