Wedding Etiquette Forum

do i have to invite these ppl

4 years ago my uncle remarried. his new wife has 2 children in their 30's. Ive seen them every Christmas since the marriage, and we have yet to have a full conversation. I'm obvs inviting my uncle and new aunt, and my cousins (my uncles sons) ...
am I crazy to think it isn't necessary to invite my new aunts children?
please help!

Re: do i have to invite these ppl

  • Since they are adult children and were adults when your uncle married their mother, I don't think that necessarily means you have to invite them.  However, it depends on your family.  Will your uncle and his new wife be really offended if you don't invite her kids?  If so, then I'd recommend inviting them just to keep the peace.
  • If the uncle's new wife's children were under 18 and still living with them, then I would say, yes, they should be invited.  But, in this instance, I think it will be OK not to include them, unless you have the space to add them to your guest list. 
  • I don't think you have to invite them, but you my offend your uncle's wife.  You don't say if the adult children have their own SOs or families, but I could see it adding up if they do.  We have a similar situation on our guest list (FI's uncle remarried, wife has an adult son who has a wife and she has a child).  My FI's brother got married last year and didn't invite the son and his family, the aunt complained a lot.  We are just inviting the extra 3 to avoid the drama. 
  • I had the exact same situation.  My uncle married a woman about 5 years ago, and they each had adult children.  I invited my cousins, but not the uncle's wife's grown kids.  

    Unless you have a relationship with those people, it isn't necessary.
  • Is there some way you could ask your uncle if he or she would be offended? Or is there maybe someone else in the family who might know if she is expecting her kids to be invited?? We are having a smaller wedding. My FH is close to his dad but not any of his uncles or aunts on his dad's side. He never sees those aunts or uncles, not even at holidays. To be nice, we asked his dad and stepmom if we should include the aunts and uncles and they actually said no. They said you can't invite one without the other and it would have added too many to our list. My point is, by asking you can prevent problems. If you don't ask, and they are offended then you could have prevented it. If you ask, they might be somewhat miffed that it's even a question but they will like it that you cared to ask. Or best case scenario, they will tell you they understand and don't invite them. The trick is to come up with the right wording.
  • thanks for everyone's take on it.. i caught wind of some drama and sent them invites to keep the peace.. gotta love "etiquette"
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