Wedding Etiquette Forum

Ceremony only invitation, sort of...

My fiance and I are planning a small ceremony at a local public event that is held in our city during the summer, as people have asked me about wedding plans and have stated that they can't wait--I feel awful telling them that we're having a small ceremony followed by dinner with our parents and really aren't inviting anyone.  Since it is a public event, they really don't need a formal invitation--they could just show up and see the ceremony?

Some of our closest friends/family have said they're planning on coming by anyhow--I'm trying to think of a way to spend a little time with them prior to going to dinner.  There is a wine/beer tent and bakery nearby, would it be rude to just invite them to the ceremony and ask them to join us for a drink/dessert before we go to dinner and they enjoy an evening at WaterFire?

Thoughts please :)
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