Wedding Etiquette Forum

Assuming GROWN children are invited!

Here's a new twist on guests assuming their children are invited to the reception: 

We just got an RSVP from my fiance's great-aunt. She's counted as a party of one on our guest list (I believe she's a widow), and the invite was addressed only to her. But on the line next to "will attend" she wrote "6."  SIX people. Apparently she's assuming the invite addressed to her also means we're inviting her (adult) son and his family. 

I'm not really asking for advice - I just called FMIL and she's going to look into it, and we're doing a buffet catered by a family friend, so it's not the end of the world financially if some extra people show up - so I guess this might be an unnecessary post.  But I felt the need to vent a bit; we are a little tight on space, and really, who does that? 
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Re: Assuming GROWN children are invited!

  • I know.. I just have a hard time believing that people do these things.. i cannot even imagine.
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  • WOW! Thats crazy. I am having a an adults only wedding and reception. And most of my family is OOT and most have kids. I'm really hoping they dont assume that the whole family is invited..
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