I can chat CD all day. They're super easy, not like the CD of yore. You can still do that style (pre-folds)and they're the most economical but I haven't tried those. I use all-in-ones (AIOs), all-in-twos (AI2), fitteds, and pockets. They go on just like a disposable diaper. The AIOs are the easiest ones to use to convert those stubborn Hs. ;-) They're also pricey. Pockets are the mid-range; not too bad on the wallet and pretty easy to use. You just have to stuff the inserts after washing but CD laundry is by far my easiest as far as "folding".
You should come hang out on the CD board on the bump. It's a very pleasant board to be on with tons of info. We're very supportive of each other's CD addictions. ;-)
The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
06.10.10BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!