My parents are footing the entire bill for us from start to finish...we are so thankful for their generosity! My FMIL is not nearly financially stable as my parents and does not have the means to help us at all. FI and I are paying for the rehearsal dinner, something that is usually paid for by groom's family, and we are both in school so money is not in abundance right now! My question is, we are planning on getting my parents something very nice since thay have been so generous and helpful. FI seems to think that his Mom should get a very nice gift too and I am a little bit resentful about this. By the time we get married we will have been engaged for almost 11 months! To me, that is enough time to save a little bit of money and as the groom's family contribute something, even if it was small ($100.00 towards the rehearsal). Is it necessary to give her a gift when she has not contributed AT ALL? Thoughts!?!?!