Wedding Etiquette Forum

Just need to vent

I hate Rick's job. Like, really, really hate it. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that he has a job, but this is getting ridiculous. He put in a time-off request over 2 weeks ago for my cousin's wedding and found out today that he can't get the time off because they're so short staffed. He hasn't been home to visit my family with me since my mom's surgery in May. He works every weekend-Fridays from 11 am-8PM, Saturday from 9am-9PM, and then Sunday from 11:45-6. I feel like such a brat for whining about it when there are so many people who would be happy to even have a job, but jeeze! He's been there for over a year, so I've dealt with this every week for over a year :(

Re: Just need to vent

  • What kind of work does he do?  That sucks, I'm sorry.
  • I hear you on the hating H's job front.  My H is working in car sales right now - well for the past 2 years actually.  I don't know if there is nothing I hate more than a 100% commission job.  It is impossible to make a budget.  He also works every Saturday, so not much weekend fun for us.  
    That really sucks they won't give him the time off :(
  • Effing retail. He sells furniture, which is not at all what he wants to do, or what he should be doing with his degree but it was a job, it got him the sales experience he needed, and it pays the bills. It's just.....*sigh*
  • Kelly, I hear you on the 100% commision. That's been awesome while trying to plan and save for a wedding.
  • Dude, I get it. 

    Mike works 6 days a week 230pm til 11pm - midnight.  And his day off is always a tuesday, wednesday or thursday.  I never see him.  We don't get to go to the zoo, or cute parks for nice Saturday afternoon walks.  It sucks.  And I have really started to hate his job the last month or so.  I've dealt with it the last 4 years, but it's really starting to wear on me.

    If he had Sundays off I think life would be good and I could deal with it.  But, Saturday and Sunday mornings and Thursday night is not very much quality time.  I just did the math.  And I am sad to say we see each other for 8% of the time.

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  • I feel your pain.  DH works 6-7 days a week normally 10-12 hour days and it will most likely never change.

    We have never spent Thanksgiving, xmas, NYE or Valentine's day together and most likely never will.

    It sucks sometimes, but it is what it is.  I always try to remember it could be worse.  He could be deployed for months in Iraq or has a job that requires a lot of traveling.  At least we get to spend every night together.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • That blows.
    You're not being whiney either, it's ok to be ticked.
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  • I feel your pain as well. BF works a full-time job (40+ hours a week) and he's studying full time to become a financial planner. Basically he has two full time jobs. Our summer was non-existent this year. Even during the one trip we went on with my family he was studying the entire time. While I'm still completely supportive, I've definitely had my bratty moments where I feel like never we do anything together anymore. I really can't wait till he only has one job.
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  • I feel you on the crappy hour situation.  My fiance works in a place where it's open every day of the year, including weekends and all holidays.  Having days where he works 9am to 11pm are common depending on how busy they are.  I hope venting made you feel better!  You're not alone and I feel your frustration.  Hang in there :)
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  • Can I play, too?

    I'm so thankful for Scott's job. I really, really am. But man...there are some days he'll go to work at 5 am and work until 9pm.

    It's literally the only thing we have squabbles about. Since...ya know...he makes his own schedule. It just never seems to go according to plan.

    But we've been on vacay for 6 days, so I'm sure he'll be late tonight.

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  • Lucas and I actually work similar hours (and lucky guy gets every Fri, Sat, and Sun off). He works 4 - 10 hour days Mon-Thur, but he's currently up for a new position which will A) move him to Louisianna, and B) mean more, and unreliable hours. He will have some flexibility in his schedule, but we think we're going to have to do LD again for about a year. The new job will pay more, but it'll suck being apart.

    He was in the Navy before his current job and worked shift work, so for 7 days he worked 8am-4pm, 7 days he worked 2pm-10pm (sometimes 12), 7 days 11pm-7am, and then 4 days training with random days off in between. That really sucked.
  • I feel your pain!  We have off schedules so we never have time off together.  If I want to see my FH I have to stay up until 12-1am most nights for a "hi how was your day?"
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  • edited September 2010

    Count me in too. My fiance and I have different schedules as well. I have normal office hours M-F 8-4:30 but my fiance is an EMT and his schedule is M-Th 2-midnight. We don't live together so our only time to see each other is Friday afternoons and weekends. He doesn't get holidays off either so unless the holiday falls on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday, it's a sure bet I won't see him. Yes, it sucks.

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  • DH is finally quitting his second job, now that the wedding is over and we don't really need the extra money.  Well, we do, but not desperately.  Like everyone else said, I'm glad he has a job, but I wish the full time one didn't make him so miserable.  We've been actively seeking out a new job for him for over 6 months.  Not surprisingly, Harrisburg isn't exactly a hopping area for graphic designers. 

    I'll be glad just to see his face once in a while now.  Last week he worked his FT job, and the PT Saturday-Monday, Wed-Fri.  i was pretty convinced I didn't have a husband.
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  • It's not that I hate my husband's job in general, I hate when he is on call bc our whole life has to stop for it. Although he doesn't particulary like his job bc he is not doing what he went to school for and we aren't were we would like to be financially, but I am sure we will get there eventually.
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