We have been married for two weeks now, and my MIL has been driving me nuts. She keeps on asking my husband and I how much $ so-and-so has given us in our cards. She has probably done this 5 or more times now. Her reasoning is that she has been generous with her friends/family in the past, so she wants to know what they are giving back. She keeps saying that she's not trying to be nosy, but clearly she is! I told my husband again tonight that I thought she was being rude and it is none of her business. He responds by saying that he knows his mom is nosey but he doesn't want to have it out with her. She is the type that gets very defensive if you call her out on anything, and I guess he would rather not deal with it. I feel like she gets a free pass for her behavior a lot because "she is who she is". She has a very difficult, over-bearing personality. UGH. Just venting because she can be so RUDE!! What would you guys do?