Wedding Etiquette Forum

Wedding Album on FB?

Good morning, ladies! 
I wanted to make an album on my Facebook about wedding stuff that I have decided on/still thinking about/things I think would be a good idea/stuff like that. I was wondering if it'd be a bad idea to post that kind of stuff? A friend told me that she didn't think it was a good idea because it may upset people or think that I'm rubbing in the fact that I'm getting married. This friend has also been pretty negative since I met my fiance, so I don't know if I should even really care about anything she has to say. Opinions? 
And I was also thinking, if anything, I could make the album to just a select few (like people in wedding party and fam).
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Re: Wedding Album on FB?

  • MyUserName1MyUserName1 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited January 2012
    Bad idea.

    For several reasons.

    Not just that people might be upset and feel like you're AWing but also that putting everything on FB invites criticism.

    ETA: agree that Pinterest is a much better idea.
  • Very bad idea.

    I agree with PP. Try Pinterest. 
  • Unless you are planning on inviting EVERYONE on your friends list on facebook to your wedding, it's a bad idea. It's a bad idea to talk about anything wedding-related on facebook really. The reason being is because you will most likely get comments/questions like, "Oh that looks/sounds awesome - I better be invited!" and "Where's my invitation" from FB friends that you don't plan on inviting, and it sucks to have to explain to people that aren't invited. It's not that you are rubbing in the fact that you are getting married - it's that you would be rubbing in the fact that you are planning this awesome party that some people won't be invited to. See what I mean?

    The website you want for this is It's an online pinboard that lets you collect photos and ideas. Great for weddings, party ideas, home decor and other stuff. Check it out, and let me know if you want an invite.

  • hmmm. I feel the other posters about FB but i guess it depends on how you are doing it and who sees the info. Now I posted some stuff on FB but only in a group I created where I actually invited the people in it. its mostly family and friends who are involved in the wedding but arent close by all the time so i can get their opinions. It has worked out pretty good so far. But again this is I CHOSE to do it. you may want to do that or try the other website the posters recommended.
  • I was thinking of making the photo album for just people in wedding party and family and not make it public to keep them updated since they ask a million questions a day about the wedding. But I see the point.

    @goobersinlove Yes, I would love an invitation!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited January 2012
    Yup...that why I made the group so that I could post to family and friends in the wedding and its not public.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:85e515bc-778f-4461-b25f-bf0368943bc8Post:51ff9145-7c62-4035-ba84-c529097ab99a">Re: Wedding Album on FB?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I was thinking of making the photo album for just people in wedding party and family and not make it public to keep them updated since they ask a million questions a day about the wedding. But I see the point. @goobersinlove Yes, I would love an invitation!
    Posted by LeighaMDuerden[/QUOTE]

    Okay! Just PM me your email and I'll get it to you later today.
  • Unless you make the album 100% private I wouldn't do this.

    Pinterest is much easier.
  • Also, no one cares about that stuff. 

    And why wouldn't you want to wait to show everyone all of your great ideas at the wedding? 
  • pinterest!!!! - I have a girl on my FB who has an album called "wedding inspiration" and updates constantly...IRRITATING!!! I for me cuz I get to creep her ideas and steal the good ones (also i thought it was funny she has a picture of MY wedding dress in there! labelled.. "I wish..." i asked if it was her dress and she said no..)
    to me putting an album on fb like that, that just screams "look at me! look at me!" noone will ever be as excited for your wedding as you are. period.
    get pinterest, start a wedding board.
  • Ya I would be cautious of that.  I had a friend who posted "if you haven't sent your rsvp in yet, please do so", the first comment was "I wish I had an rsvp to send in."  *Awkward*

    I also have another friend that keeps asking advice on FB and putting her wedding information on there...I have a feeling she is going to have a bunch of people thinking they are invited to the wedding.
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  • edited January 2012
    I wouldn't make an album on FB.  I disagree with your friend's logic about not having the album because it would be *rubbing* the fact that you are getting married in other people's faces, though.  I think posting it on FB would be a bad idea because everyone will feel the need to voice their opinion on the things you are considering and you may get a bunch of people who assume they are going to be invited because it's all over FB.
  • I agree with PP's about Pinterest.  It is set up better.  Plus, like they also said, you don't want to be talking about your wedding on FB unless you can invite everyone on your FBlist. 
    PitaPata Cat tickers Anniversary
  • I had a FB album of our venue because it was in St. Thomas and our families wanted to see what it looked like.  I kept the album private to everyone else.

    I'm not on Pinterest, but that's another idea that seems to be pretty popular.

  • I have posted it on my fb but made it open to just a select few that will be in the wedding...its the easiest way to get everyones in put with my family in 4 different states...and i have had no problems so far
  • I didn't read all of the responses, but I think it's fine to do this. In fact, I'm doing it, haha. I have a "Wedding!" album on my facebook and update it with ideas and things I select for the wedding. I've gotten all kinds of support from friends without any indication of wanting to be invited. I think most people know I'm having an OOT, small wedding, so unless they've received a Save the Date already they probably aren't invited, haha. I'm not concerned about it, really. I've seen other friends do this as brides and now I'm doing it. More power to you :) Share the excitement of wedding planning!
  • heatherfitzheatherfitz member
    edited January 2012
    Adding to that, it's not rubbing anything in anyone's faces. It's your Facebook, post what you want. If someone doesn't want to read about it, they don't have to. It's so dumb to me that people feel like everyone should censor themselves in some way so as not to "offend" anyone. It's my damn facebook, I post whatever I want. I curse all the time and post provocative things and I have Christian friends as well as family members, haha. 

    Also, if anyone says anything about it (in regards to the RSVP Awkward comment) they're putting that on themselves. I wouldn't feel bad about it at all. If they know they're not invited they don't need to make a scene about it. And if they do, then it's on them.

    All my opinion, of course ;)
  • eoreaeorea member
    edited January 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Wedding Album on FB?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Adding to that, it's not rubbing anything in anyone's faces. It's your Facebook, post what you want. If someone doesn't want to read about it, they don't have to. It's so dumb to me that people feel like everyone should censor themselves in some way so as not to "offend" anyone. It's my damn facebook, I post whatever I want. I curse all the time and post provocative things and I have Christian friends as well as family members, haha.  Also, if anyone says anything about it (in regards to the RSVP Awkward comment) they're putting that on themselves. I wouldn't feel bad about it at all. If they know they're not invited they don't need to make a scene about it. And if they do, then it's on them. All my opinion, of course ;)
    Posted by heatherfitz[/QUOTE]

    <div>It's not about only offending people. That is part of it but you also open yourself up to people giving unwanted opinions. Some people will criticize things you pick. It's better to keep some wedding details to yourself. </div><div>
    </div><div>People do this all the time then they come here crying, "So and so stole my wedding ideas" or "HELP! Friend keeps saying bad things about everything I have planned". That is a big part of why it's better to keep it off of FB. </div><div>
    </div><div>BTW - You are gorgeous. </div>
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:85e515bc-778f-4461-b25f-bf0368943bc8Post:7a30a4bc-be51-4dff-b532-03a5aa0f78ae">Re: Wedding Album on FB?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Adding to that, it's not rubbing anything in anyone's faces. It's your Facebook, post what you want. If someone doesn't want to read about it, they don't have to. It's so dumb to me that people feel like everyone should censor themselves in some way so as not to "offend" anyone. It's my damn facebook, I post whatever I want. I curse all the time and post provocative things and I have Christian friends as well as family members, haha.  Also, if anyone says anything about it (in regards to the RSVP Awkward comment) they're putting that on themselves. I wouldn't feel bad about it at all. If they know they're not invited they don't need to make a scene about it. And if they do, then it's on them. All my opinion, of course ;)
    Posted by heatherfitz[/QUOTE]

    I dont think theres anything wrong with talking about it - like you said its my facebook and the point is to post and talk about whats happening in your life - if that happens to be wedding stuff, then i post about it - if people dont want to read about it, they dont have to, I have a ton of people on my FB that post irritating stuff, but thats their perogative, I dont have to read it. lol.
    Im ok with the status' like "dress shopping today, yay!" or "3 month countdown to the big day" I post stuff like that too, im expressing joy about my upcoming wedding and if people are bothered by that, or assume that means they are invited, they need to grow up and get a reality check. The album, I think mostly opens it up for people to "steal" your ideas, or give unwanted opinions - its not something I would do because Im doing alot of things for the wedding that are surprises-takes away from the day i think.
    I think it might have been wrecked for me b/c of the girl on my fb who did it and shes a very "look at me, look at me, look how great i am" kind of i got a bad taste for it because of her - but if you want to do something, do it, people arent FORCED to look at the album. :)
  • eorea, aw, thank you! :)

    and you are correct about the opinions. so far i've been lucky and haven't received any unwanted ones. but i'm just waiting for them, haha.

    stefaniewattie- i always tell people, if you don't want to read what i post about, please unfriend me or use that nifty "hide status" option :) my facebook is like my online diary. i vent, i praise, i celebrate, i joke, i do whatever i feel on it. i don't think carefully about each and every post and who it might offend. i just post. maybe that makes me tacky, but i see it as a personal outlet that people easily have the option of not partaking in.

    and trust me, i don't put everything about my wedding in that album. i'm saving the good stuff for post-wedding due to copycats :P
  • I find wedding stuff on FB very annoying... I've had friends do the "please RSVP if you haven't already" and "invites are out now!"..... and most recently, a guy that has started a 100 day countdown.. every day he posts the number as his status on both facebook and Google+, which I'm not a part of, but for some reason get emails from his status updates since he invited me to it :S Annoying :| Most recent was the posting of his registry info...
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I don't see why it is such a bad idea! I've seen lots of wedding albums on facebook and sincerely I was looking at them with pleasure. Why is she so negative about such things??
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    [QUOTE] stefaniewattie - i always tell people, if you don't want to read what i post about, please unfriend me or use that nifty "hide status" option :) my facebook is like my online diary. i vent, i praise, i celebrate, i joke, i do whatever i feel on it. i don't think carefully about each and every post and who it might offend. i just post. maybe that makes me tacky, but i see it as a personal outlet that people easily have the option of not partaking in. and trust me, i don't put everything about my wedding in that album. i'm saving the good stuff for post-wedding due to copycats :P
    Posted by heatherfitz[/QUOTE]

    haha, agreed, i post about my excited about it!! why wouldnt I!! LOL. And ive never had anyone complain about least right to me anyway. If someone is bothered by a "my dress is in! yay!" status..they can bite me. lol
    a daily countdown on your status is a bit much though, that Ive seen... :s until maybe the 10 day countdown
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